Though current Mabi long since took some of the interestingness out of Alchemy by doing away with skill crystals, I believe it would be a good middle ground to make them more easily accessible, such as all Golems, Life Drain, Rain Casting, and Shock. To that end I propose simply nerfing the creation recipes to require less quantity of items. As the server 2x rates don't benefit things like wood chopping and Cuilin stone mining.
It's also seriously painful that basic crystals like Water will only stack to 50. Even with a bag, that sure is cluttersome... Only 10 uses of a basic attack skill (fully charged) per inventory slot.
As for Magic, my main suggestion is to eliminate the expiration timer on things like Fireball pages. Though the quest itself can be exciting, between the smaller size of the server (limited sales opportunity) and the fact that some of us have difficult schedules, the timer isn't making the game more fun, it's just stressful. Mana evaporation really stinks in terms of versatility too.
Anyway, thanks for reading and for working on this server at all! Hope to see you ingame and keep on being awesome! Props to Flipend0 who I remember fondly from MabiRe!