Dyeable Leminia's Holy Moon Armor (M)/(F)
Posted at 06-03-17, 11:57 am Link | #1

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Would it be possible to make this armor dyeable. At the moment only the cloth part is dyeable but not the metal and it's been like since ages. The armor looks really good overall and was always my favorite armor, but unfortunately Nexon didn't implement ability to change metal part's color.
Posted at 06-03-17, 09:45 pm Link | #2
Drahan GM

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It should be possible, as long as it's set to a color scheme like system (C1, C2, C3).
Some metals on items are actually not defined in the color scheme so it's impossible to make them dye-able without modifying the PMG to actually set the color scheme.

As for whether or not Leminia's Holy Moon Armor has the color scheme set, I do not know.
Posted at 06-04-17, 07:32 pm Link | #3
Shin Taillelaine

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Could you update us on it once you know Drahan ?
Just another thing to add to the "To-Do" list but it may be useful to look into it whenever you'll do batches of clothes/armors addition/modifications, etc.
But not for this armor only, for all other applicable armors that may be in the same case.
Again, nothing here's a priority, but whenever you'll look into armors for some reason, it could be a nice thing to think of.

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