Special characters not recognized by current client (rev. 3 by redclad on 06-03-17, 11:38 pm)
Posted at 06-03-17, 11:32 pm Link | #1

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As some of you might have noticed, some special characters are not recognized by the client.
This is not an issue in english where these special characters are not used but it can be annoying if trying to write in french, german, ... in private chats.

In the above image I tried to write "é è à ù ê ö ï ä". As you can see, none is recognized and strange special character are sometimes replacing the desired characters.

I wanted to know if there's something that could be done to be able to use such characters.
Modding the japanese.ttf file is useless since it's only for other kind of texts in the game.
It there another font file used for the chat that can me modded or is it somewhat hardcoded ?

Thanks in advance for any help that could be provided.
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 06-04-17, 12:42 am
Posted at 06-04-17, 12:41 am Link | #2
Drahan GM

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There's really nothing we can do about this.
The fonts and such are pretty much hard coded and quite difficult to change, and we can only change them between presets due to how the font system works in this game.
I'd be surprised if anybody figured out how to actually solve this.
post rev. 2 by LazyFae on 06-04-17, 02:12 am
Posted at 06-04-17, 02:10 am Link | #3
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We use a dds file, set dimensions for each character. Using special characters, i don't honestly know how they factor in, as i haven't tried any research on them. If you want to start research yourself, the normal characters at least, are contained in data/gfx/gui/font_eng.dds AND font_outline_eng.dds will go with it, same directory.

And a note for editing. There are some symbols and characters i'm not familiar with, though that's not honestly saying much. The default colors in the dds are white, as in all the font is colored white. So you may want to actually invert the image to black for editing, then tell it invert again when you're done, to make it white, before you actually save.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 06-04-17, 03:50 pm Link | #4

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We use a dds file, set dimensions for each character. Using special characters, i don't honestly know how they factor in, as i haven't tried any research on them. If you want to start research yourself, the normal characters at least, are contained in data/gfx/gui/font_eng.dds AND font_outline_eng.dds will go with it, same directory.

And a note for editing. There are some symbols and characters i'm not familiar with, though that's not honestly saying much. The default colors in the dds are white, as in all the font is colored white. So you may want to actually invert the image to black for editing, then tell it invert again when you're done, to make it white, before you actually save.

Indeed the normal character used in the game can be found in these files. I found the accents used for the special character I'm looking for in data/gfx/gui/s-jis32bit-1.dds
I guess it's the same file for mabi eu and mabi na (don't have the original pack from these server so I can't check) so it seems that the jpn client doesn't call the proper coordinates to display the desired characters. This is most likely hardcoded as Drahan said and will be difficult to fix (unless this bit of code is in an xml ???).
The only "easy" way would be to replace the code for characters call of this jpn version with the code from na or eu versions but still I dont know where this bit of code actually is.

Anyway thanks for the answers.
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 06-07-17, 01:03 pm
Posted at 06-07-17, 01:03 pm Link | #5
Drahan GM

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We use a dds file, set dimensions for each character. Using special characters, i don't honestly know how they factor in, as i haven't tried any research on them. If you want to start research yourself, the normal characters at least, are contained in data/gfx/gui/font_eng.dds AND font_outline_eng.dds will go with it, same directory.

And a note for editing. There are some symbols and characters i'm not familiar with, though that's not honestly saying much. The default colors in the dds are white, as in all the font is colored white. So you may want to actually invert the image to black for editing, then tell it invert again when you're done, to make it white, before you actually save.

Indeed the normal character used in the game can be found in these files. I found the accents used for the special character I'm looking for in data/gfx/gui/s-jis32bit-1.dds
I guess it's the same file for mabi eu and mabi na (don't have the original pack from these server so I can't check) so it seems that the jpn client doesn't call the proper coordinates to display the desired characters. This is most likely hardcoded as Drahan said and will be difficult to fix (unless this bit of code is in an xml ???).
The only "easy" way would be to replace the code for characters call of this jpn version with the code from na or eu versions but still I dont know where this bit of code actually is.

Anyway thanks for the answers.
This code is located inside of the font code page that the client is defined to use.
Currently we're using a code page which supports English, Japanese, and Chinese (but not Korean).

Allegedly the accents and such work in TrueType font mode, however our client is hardcoded to use Bitmap fonts and it's not possible for the average user to use TTF without modding the game (and there is no public mods that actually change to TTF mode).
This can be seen by Flipend0's debugging adventure here:

Unfortunately, it's really not suitable for public usage in the first place so I can't promise you will ever get TTF mode from us.
Posted at 06-08-17, 01:41 am Link | #6

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Thanks for added information.
I'm not knowledgeable enough to affirm anything but I suppose that bitmap fonts are indeed less resource consuming, especially with all the characters of different languages (I remember the "font lag" from my early days in mabi NA before modding).

Correct me if I'm wrong: if someone wanted it, it should be possible to force the ttf mode through a modded dll similarly to the bitmap mode incorporated in several modded dll for mabi na, right ?
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 06-08-17, 02:15 am
Posted at 06-08-17, 01:50 am Link | #7
Drahan GM

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Thanks for added information.
I'm not knowledgeable enough to affirm anything but I suppose that bitmap fonts are indeed less resource consuming, especially with all the characters of different languages (I remember the "font lag" from my early days in mabi NA before modding).

Correct me if I'm wrong: if someone wanted it, it should be possible to force the ttf mode through a modded dll similarly to the bitmap mode incorporated in several modded dll for mabi na, right ?
That's right, it should be.
If you want, you can use CheatEngine to do it with this AutoAssemble script that Flipend0 wrote:



//Pleione.dll+2C0D9B - E8 D95DE79C           - call ESL.dll+66B79         //Get CulrtualID
//Pleione.dll+2C0DA0 - 83 F8 01              - cmp eax,01 { 1 } //if 1
//Pleione.dll+2C0DA3 - 75 43                 - jne Pleione.dll+2C0DE8 // Skip TrueType Rendering
//Pleione.dll+2C0DA5 - 8B 44 24 04           - mov eax,[esp+04]



I cannot give you support on how to use this, but I can assure you that it does indeed force TTF rendering - however shitty it may be.
Posted at 06-08-17, 03:30 am Link | #8
Flipend0 GM

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oh noez another leak
Posted at 06-08-17, 12:48 pm Link | #9

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oh noez another leak
To stop the leaks you can try to put some caulk.... Don't ask me where exactly thought

Well I guess I'll dig into this mod when I get some time. For now I need to rank refining and enchanting.
[Posted by Alustriel on 07-23-17, 03:58 am, deleted by Alustriel]
  • #4450
Posted at 07-23-17, 09:16 pm Link | #11
Flipend0 GM

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By the way, I have written down a fix for this
You can check that here

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