Posts: 121
Joined: 03-22-17
Last post: 1424 days
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Before I start, I don't know how hard it is to make a fishing spot on an existing map or how hard it is to get something from future versions of the game. That said, here's a suggestion for a slightly less combat focused shadow mission or theater mission.
Shadow Mission: Drowned Supplies!
"While moving some supplies around in the shadow realm, our wagon was attacked and most of it's contents spilled out into the shadow realms version of lake Neagh. Some of the foes leaped in after the creates. We cannot let them get those supplies! Please help us fish them out before they make off with them. Some of the previous guards will assist you."
At the start of the mission you are given a bait tin of 150 supply bait and a supply fishing rod that drop after leaving the mission. You fish a small section of lake Neagh in the shadow realm to try and fish up crates. Every 8 minutes a wave of 2-3 shadow mobs (like the lancer and stuff) will spawn to try and get in your way. You have 4 NPC guards to help you keep focus on fishing. Every chest you fish up has a high chance to spawn a mob similar to how the fishing boat works. You must collect, depending on the mission difficulty, 3, 5, 8, or 12 creates from the chests you fish up. (They don't need a model, like red envelopes, and I'm sure we could use something already existing for their item window view.) Obviously, higher levels of fishing would make this faster, and not AFKing it would too. Up to 3 people can join in total. Talk to an NPC with the total number of crates to finish. Creates stack to 15 and are trad-able, of course.
Theater mission: Fishing Contest!
"Watch the Milletians of Erinn fish it out for the title, champion fisher!
This one is short and to the point. Though I'm not sure if it's possible. Up to 8 people can enter this one, and fishing takes place on the ice(snow?) field stage with the fishing spot from giant Homesteads. At least 3 of them. Snow trolls very rarely spawn when fishing and are somewhat weak. Players are tasked with getting a Sturgeon with X size, only possible by having X fishing rank with it's modifier on size and all that. For example, Basic will ask for something only rank E and up can do. (Wiki doesn't list base sizes of fish so I have no idea on this one.)
Sturgeon and Smelt are the only two fish you can find. On top of that garbage herbs and a few other junk items (mostly junk, some have value I guess) are in the water too to slow you down. An NPC will sell you a fishing rod and 500 bait that doesn't drop at the end of the mission.
Once you have the fish of the right size, go to the NPC to turn it in. YOU will be the only one to get a key. Everyone will still get exp and gold, but only YOU will get the key.
I feel like most of this game turned into pure combat at some point, and never really looked back. Crafting was still a thing but it was thrown to just being a "After the combat" thing. It'd be cool to see some mixes here or there. Like a custom Fiohd/Coil/SM/TM boss/ random mini boss that is a herb covered golem that has high prot and def till you pick the herbs on it that also weigh it down, so when you knock it down it stays down, but untargetable, for a short while. Basically a leprechaun that isn't a joke mob.