I would be fine with that. Honestly, having your legacy as a seal breaker, is kinda pointless for most long term anyway. There comes a time when most people will quit the game, regardless of their achievements. Over time, their name is all but forgotten. You may see the names by a broken seal, but it's almost never talked about, and you don't exactly see people coming into chats saying 'i know the guy who broke *** seal!' There's also the issue of the fact that, people who break the seals were able to meet some condition, but more importantly were honestly able to just be on at the right time. It's not a major deal for the most part, certainly not something i'm too worried about being remembered for. In live, this mainly consisted of people who knew a new seal would pop up, and would patch their game before the game ever came back online, so that as soon as the game came up they could literally log in and start hitting the stone. It's a joke.
For this server, honestly i'd be cool with one month or so regeneration on seal stones. I personally would let everyone keep their titles, when the seal stones regenerate. It'd be nice that when the seal stone gets broke again though, the game checks to see if the person who got the last hit already. If yes, then it will give the title to someone else who hit the stone. That way one person can't just troll and try to keep other people from getting the titles.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079