Server duration
Posted at 06-29-17, 10:28 pm Link | #1

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Hello everyone,

I absolutely love what Mabinogi Pro is aiming to achieve and was excited to hear about it from a steam friend.

I do have to question how long the developers of this project intend to keep it running though. Is this a project that is planned to be supported for long-term? What if Nexon sends a cease and desist like they did with the Mabinogi Aura project a few months ago? What if server funding goals are not met on a monthly basis?

Thank you!
Posted at 06-29-17, 11:15 pm Link | #2
Drahan GM

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It is planned to be supported for long-term, note that we're almost half a year old already.
As for Nexon, I don't think it's necessary to worry, that's for us to worry about.

We've never met our server funding goals and operate with negative income.
The server funding goal is not monthly either, it's all-time based on what we've spent to keep the server running.

Hopefully this answers your questions.
Posted at 06-30-17, 09:45 am Link | #3

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I suppose it's a work under progress but having more donation options than bitcoin would help.
I considered donation with bitcoins but without properly starting something serious, I couldn't find a good way to buy any without extensive taxes.
post rev. 1 by Calm on 07-01-17, 09:15 pm
Posted at 07-01-17, 09:15 pm Link | #4

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I agree redclad! If I decide to stick around and play for an extended period, I would like to donate to this server to help cover some of the costs, but bitcoin is foreign to me. I do understand the desire to keep the flow of money somewhat anonymous though, which I'm guessing bitcoin allows for.

And thank you for the reply, Drahan.

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