Posts: 30
Joined: 02-13-17
Last post: 1763 days
Last view: 390 days
I've been playing on the server for a little over two weeks now and I'm absolutely addicted. So refreshing to play the game I've fallen in love with rather than it's mutated self on the live version. That being said, I think there are some changes that are 100% within your grasp based off the things that are already in the game.
1) Thematic dungeon rewards How could would it be for Barri and its varying levels of difficulty to drop blacksmith and refining themed items for its end chest reward? Obviously it doesn't have to be every time on every difficulty, but blacksmiths and refiners are going to be running this dungeon anyway. There should be low-level crafting manuals in the normal dungeon and higher level crafting ones in their respective difficulties. Similarly, you could have another dungeon be the "fashion" dungeon, where clothes, robes, boots, gloves, and hats could be your end game reward. Some of it sold by NPCs and some of it not. Fashionogi is a pretty critical part of people getting attached to their characters. This gives people to incentive to run a dungeon over a Shadow Mission.
2) Timed pet rotation One of the things to look forward to on live Mabi is when a limited time only pet is (re)released. I think it'd be awesome if every month or week you rotated the selection of pets you could buy with red coins. Obviously there are a few transport pets that have to be thrown into the mix, such as something that flies and something land based that moves quickly. This would give people something to look forward to on a regular basis should they take a break from and come back OR if someone is a pet fiend and is buying out the red coin shop.
3) 10 & 30 MP pots at the Healer's House I know I'm probably biased on this one because I'm a mage, but it is ridiculous how awful managing mana is right now. Every time you switch off a wand you lose your entire mana pool and we don't even have to talk about how bad Meditation is. Others have asked for Meditation buffs (which are more than welcome) but I know that may be outside of your immediately grasp as you look into the code. A sort of band-aid fix in the meantime is to add these lesser potions to the healer's house so that an early mage has something to work with. As it stands, you either make your own potions or suicide into mobs for a nao revive for mana.You can't skirt by on 30 potions forever as a mage either, because that potion poisoning will set in quick. This change really only stands to make early game Magic better as they will have the lower mana pools replenished by 30 MP pots.
4) Change the spirit repair potion from Shyla from 1 - 5 to 5 - 10. These potions simply aren't worth it. Spending 60k to repair 1 - 5 points of durability is out of this world insane at this stage of the game. That means each point of durability is costing anywhere from 60k to 12k per point. The alternative is buying a clover pig with your first 70 coins, hoping for a white herb, making the spirit liqueur, and profing a weapon up to 100.
Thanks for reading!,