post rev. 1 by lame on 07-09-17, 11:21 pm
Posted at 07-09-17, 11:17 pm Link | #61

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You just literally tried to convince someone your argument was correct by showing off your e-peen. :^)

my e-peen? i didnt mention my stats or anything before he provoked it???? i didnt even know what he had ranked or when he started playing until i went to compare with the guy who is telling me to get good :^) but you might be right my dick did get longer amiright
Posted at 07-09-17, 11:28 pm Link | #62

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If players only get 1 AoE pet, I dont see it becoming a huge problem like abusing like you say though, but if the majority vote for no AoE pets or AoE effects being removed, thats fine by me, I still disagree with what selzyr said because not everyone plays under the same circumstances, not to mention not everyone who joins the server will be an experienced player, we'll be getting people that are new to Mabinogi and decided to start with this server invited by a friend or X situation and of course these new players that are less experienced may have trouble with situations like Drawing mentioned and we cant just say ''This game isnt for you'' because then RIP servers growth. As much we know population on this server will be low, it'd be nice to increase it if possible to keep things lively as much as possible.

Then it boils down to what's the point of the server? Growth? Mabi's got a large player base in comparison to pro. It has more content and honestly is more friendly to newer players. Is that what this server is to become? Something where you can just faceroll any content? With naos, emergency bombs, red coin shop, and shyla's shop all on this server, the fact you don't have to pay for anything with rl cash, is honestly far easier than the live server was back during this generation. You also have the fact that you get double xp and ap, meaning faster char growth and your char's ap, ie your skills ranks, are basically going to be double what they would if you were playing live at its time during this generation. I'm seeing a request to help make it easier, and this may promote server growth, but on the flip side you could achieve the exact opposite and run the server straight into the ground.

I'm sure i'm not the only one who joined this server, because of the fact i had more fun on mabi back during these generations, than i can have on mabi now even though i've maxed out most of my skills on live. You were rewarded for effort during these times. I already don't feel much pressure running into a situation where i may die, because aside from trans for an easy heal and stat jump, i have all those naos. If the game gets too much easier, especially in party play, i can honestly say i will quit this server. Not because i don't get my way, just because the server moved too far into ezmode for me to get any enjoyment out of it. If i want quick profit games, or where i can show off how i can solo something that was originally designed for 6 people and to be helluva hard for them still, (MA) then i can go back to live.

No reason to be that pessimistic about the contents of the live server, I get that fear too, the last thing I want is this server turning into that AFK game Nexon created, but you do know that even if content from the live server were to be added here, it doesnt have to be exactly the same, right? of course Nexon was terrible at handling things, but I do believe this being a private server, we have the chance to handle things better, we could add things without breaking the game, we have that chance, if we add the AoE pets and it makes the game too easy because we already have things that make the game easy, then why not doing a rebalancing? it would be nicer to have a wider variety of pets than having so many Nao stones each day or having all of those emergency bombs. When adding new content that has the chance to have an impact on the gameplay such as make it too easy, then a rebalancing is need.. and so can be done on maintenance/updates of the game, by removing other things or editing their effects or restricting them to a lower amount. Of course thats up to the devs though, as they're the ones that'll be doing the work and after all it can be alot of work to do rebalancing everytime big content is gonna get added. So maybe bottom line is, adding that kind of risky content only if the devs are willing to do the extra work on rebalancing things, if not, then we're fine as we are now, you can just reskin pets to even create different looking pets if people just want variations of pets or add the pets without the effects like has been mentioned before
Posted at 07-09-17, 11:33 pm Link | #63

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Just saying but, nobody forces you to play hard mode missions.
If you want to play with others play on adv, no shame in doing that.

I keep by my statement that AOE pets are not part of the intended core gameplay.

Posted at 07-09-17, 11:52 pm Link | #64
Still a casual gamer

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No reason to be that pessimistic about the contents of the live server, I get that fear too, the last thing I want is this server turning into that AFK game Nexon created, but you do know that even if content from the live server were to be added here, it doesnt have to be exactly the same, right? of course Nexon was terrible at handling things, but I do believe this being a private server, we have the chance to handle things better, we could add things without breaking the game, we have that chance, if we add the AoE pets and it makes the game too easy because we already have things that make the game easy, then why not doing a rebalancing? it would be nicer to have a wider variety of pets than having so many Nao stones each day or having all of those emergency bombs. When adding new content that has the chance to have an impact on the gameplay such as make it too easy, then a rebalancing is need.. and so can be done on maintenance/updates of the game, by removing other things or editing their effects or restricting them to a lower amount. Of course thats up to the devs though, as they're the ones that'll be doing the work and after all it can be alot of work to do rebalancing everytime big content is gonna get added. So maybe bottom line is, adding that kind of risky content only if the devs are willing to do the extra work on rebalancing things, if not, then we're fine as we are now, you can just reskin pets to even create different looking pets if people just want variations of pets or add the pets without the effects like has been mentioned before

But I AM pessimistic about the outcome. With wings, it would not have affected gameplay in the slightest, but it was rejected. With egos, there was mention that they could be rebalanced, but due to the rebalance affecting the ego's growth and would not buff pre-existing egos, i believe it was rejected. I forget what all's been in the content polls, but i vaguely recall seeing some ideas that wouldn't have really affected gameplay in any major way, or would have been a nice addition (imo) and seemed to get rejected.

My faith in the community is not exactly sky high, and judging from the wings' votes, i'm betting plenty of the playerbase is afraid of this game becoming like live, to the point of irrationally rejecting content. Maybe that's what i'm doing. My thoughts on aoe pets are fairly clear though, and with the ego issue i don't put a whole lotta faith in rebalance for the aoe pets. I'll still stand by my previous opinion.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 07-09-17, 11:59 pm Link | #65

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Just saying but, nobody forces you to play hard mode missions.
If you want to play with others play on adv, no shame in doing that.

I keep by my statement that AOE pets are not part of the intended core gameplay.


If i have access to HM why should i be restricted? alot of stuff are not part of "intended core gameplay." they the change how the game was play and how you would react yes but isnt that what every content update suppose to do?

Some people just cant admit that their is no real reason to not input AoE pets aside from my friend dont like them for w.e unknown reason so i'll just blindly say no aswell. Doesnt only go for AoE pets either pretty much every content poll we've had i felt like that's how the community voted on them.
Posted at 07-10-17, 12:08 am Link | #66

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Just saying but, nobody forces you to play hard mode missions.
If you want to play with others play on adv, no shame in doing that.

I keep by my statement that AOE pets are not part of the intended core gameplay.


If i have access to HM why should i be restricted? alot of stuff are not part of "intended core gameplay." they the change how the game was play and how you would react yes but isnt that what every content update suppose to do?

Some people just cant admit that their is no real reason to not input AoE pets aside from my friend dont like them for w.e unknown reason so i'll just blindly say no aswell. Doesnt only go for AoE pets either pretty much every content poll we've had i felt like that's how the community voted on them.

All im saying is you should learn to adapt to the current situation. The problems you are facing can be overcome. I believe in you
Posted at 07-10-17, 12:15 am Link | #67

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Adapt to the fact theres a high face we will never be able to run some of the original content that if you were playing back then would want to be running?
Posted at 07-10-17, 12:23 am Link | #68

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No reason to be that pessimistic about the contents of the live server, I get that fear too, the last thing I want is this server turning into that AFK game Nexon created, but you do know that even if content from the live server were to be added here, it doesnt have to be exactly the same, right? of course Nexon was terrible at handling things, but I do believe this being a private server, we have the chance to handle things better, we could add things without breaking the game, we have that chance, if we add the AoE pets and it makes the game too easy because we already have things that make the game easy, then why not doing a rebalancing? it would be nicer to have a wider variety of pets than having so many Nao stones each day or having all of those emergency bombs. When adding new content that has the chance to have an impact on the gameplay such as make it too easy, then a rebalancing is need.. and so can be done on maintenance/updates of the game, by removing other things or editing their effects or restricting them to a lower amount. Of course thats up to the devs though, as they're the ones that'll be doing the work and after all it can be alot of work to do rebalancing everytime big content is gonna get added. So maybe bottom line is, adding that kind of risky content only if the devs are willing to do the extra work on rebalancing things, if not, then we're fine as we are now, you can just reskin pets to even create different looking pets if people just want variations of pets or add the pets without the effects like has been mentioned before

But I AM pessimistic about the outcome. With wings, it would not have affected gameplay in the slightest, but it was rejected. With egos, there was mention that they could be rebalanced, but due to the rebalance affecting the ego's growth and would not buff pre-existing egos, i believe it was rejected. I forget what all's been in the content polls, but i vaguely recall seeing some ideas that wouldn't have really affected gameplay in any major way, or would have been a nice addition (imo) and seemed to get rejected.

My faith in the community is not exactly sky high, and judging from the wings' votes, i'm betting plenty of the playerbase is afraid of this game becoming like live, to the point of irrationally rejecting content. Maybe that's what i'm doing. My thoughts on aoe pets are fairly clear though, and with the ego issue i don't put a whole lotta faith in rebalance for the aoe pets. I'll still stand by my previous opinion.

Fair enough, I respect that people can have all those fears of this server becoming the same as live, after watching Nexon destroy the game for years with every update handled wrong, at the same time.. being too afraid to do things may lead to ruin the server as well, if people keep constantly rejecting all the new content, I just hope the game dont become boring, you know.. seeing the same stuff for months.

Will have to cross my fingers for partners to be added and not rejected someday > . <
Posted at 07-10-17, 01:20 am Link | #69
Still a casual gamer

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I personally didn't get much use out of partners, but yeah would be nice to get those added at some point.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
post rev. 2 by redclad on 07-10-17, 02:56 am
Posted at 07-10-17, 02:40 am Link | #70

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Drawing/Lame, you're basically saying "that part of the game is too difficult for me, give me something so I can do content that I'm currently not able to do". I just don't get the idea: will it be enjoyable to do something that was made easier just so you could do it without improving ?

You don't need to be able to solo things that are not intended to be soloed (not easily at least). If you want to accomplish that feat, then get better with what the game has to offer you but don't ask for it to be made easier. You didn't max out all the skills, you do have room for improvement.

As someone else stated, the addition of new SM to add more variety of contents would be a wiser way to give you something you can do without nerfing the overall game difficulty (something that nexon did continuously... one of the reasons for which most people here hate them).

PS: You say that players leave before reaching hardmode contents. It might be true but I don't think that they left because they didn't have AoE pets, so adding these pets wont help with this particular issue. I can't imagine a player at lv 900 saying "Darn, I don't have an AoE pet, let's quit the game because I'm sure the next 100 levels will be impossible to get without them". They were simply bored/burned out and it's fine if they don't want to play anymore, they're free to do such a choice.

You also say that adding AoE pets might help new and inexperienced players. As far as I can tell, I wasn't experienced when I started and it was fun to discover a difficult game with great mechanics to learn such as mabinogi. G1-3 were my favorite times, when completing G3 final with friend was difficult and gave me a feeling of accomplishment. If the game is nerfed just to make it easier for new players, then if won't be the difficult game that I love and I'll simply leave.
I'm not saying that adding AoE pets will make me leave the game but that's the first step in this direction.
Posted at 07-10-17, 07:12 am Link | #71
Drahan GM

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This thread has drifted from a suggestion thread to a pissing contest. This type of hostile behavior is absolutely unacceptable on the forums.

Since you cannot keep your conversations civil, I will be closing this thread.

We will carefully keep in mind everything that's been said up until now.

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