We would like to introduce bPatcher, a Binary Patcher that allow custom patches created by me to enhance your Mabinogi experience.
In this post, I am going to show you step by step on how to use the program, so if you're interested please follow a long.
You can download the binary patcher here:
Last Updated - 7/11/2017 3:56AM EST : Addressing checksum issues
Step 0
Do make sure your are NOT running Mabinogi before doing anything. To be on the safe side, always restart your computer.
Step 1
After you download it, please extract the files to the directory of your MabiPro Client.
Step 2
Before launching the program. Please
backup the following DLLs in case of recovery. When you use the program the files will get overwritten:
Step 3
Run bPatcher1.exe, and click on "Apply patch to an existing file"
Step 4
On the first text box, Locate the UPS file, the UPS files will be located on the "patches" dir that you extracted. These UPS files are named properly for the module file you are going to edit. E.g: if the UPS file says Pleione, the edit will be done on Pleione.dll
On the second text box, Locate the DLL file. the DLL file can be found on your MabiPro directory. Make sure you use the correct DLL for the UPS file.
For this example, We're going to use "Pleione - Enable TrueType Font.ups" for "Pleione.dll"
Step 5
Click on Apply Patch, if successful you should be able to see the patch applied. Launch the game and you should be able to see the difference.

Should you have any questions or troubleshooting, please let us know here or in our support section
Thank you.
-MabiPro Staff