Change to Field Bosses
Posted at 07-29-17, 11:15 pm Link | #1

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Hello all. I'm currently a fairly new player, just hit my first RB, and i've noticed something that seems to be an issue. I'll say seems simply because it's not 100% but more of a "most of the time". Field bosses for the last week or so have been a pain. I get that this is the general idea but i feel they may be TOO much of a pain right now. While bosses are to be hard to kill to get their special rewards lately it's just been a combination of everything going wrong.

Lately, with the player base that's willing or interested to do field bosses, we have been fairly unable to kill several of the bosses and it seems it's mainly due to the spawn timings. The last boss we failed to kill was the Giant Lion and it spawned around 1am EST which means that most people even on the east coast were most likely asleep/going to sleep while almost everyone in EU side was asleep. We managed about 5-6 people and we maybe managed to do 15% to the boss before it de-spawned. I don't feel as though the bosses are too hard because i've been in large even groups that have managed to kill certain bosses, such as Prairie Dragon, but i do feel something needs to be altered to allow us to group correctly to do so.

Perhaps we can change the spawn times to make them spawn more often or maybe give us a working system to know spawn timers? I don't think we should change the bosses hp/stats because it seems like a huge nerf would only lead to more problems. Anyone else have ideas/thoughts?
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 07-29-17, 11:50 pm
Posted at 07-29-17, 11:49 pm Link | #2

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There are two things I have to say in regards to the field boss case

Something I personally would like to see is changes to the fomor command scrolls. I personally don't know too much about their behaviour, besides that I've seen scrolls announcing times that are about 6 days in advance and their droprate can be bad, but getting the ones in Rano are just a huge pain. Also, I'm not too entirely sure, but if someone else got a certain boss their fomor command and used it, you can't get it again, so if you missed the announcement message of the scroll, you just have to be lucky to be there and paying attention when it spawns. Getting fomor commands for bosses in Rano that you might care about is in my opinion rather annoying, since the drop rate on them is pretty bad, especially considering that even when you get one, there is a good possibility it is for something you don't necessarily care about since there are so many field bosses in the Rano region. If you want to get the timer for something like the big ones like PD, sandworm, desert dragon, or for a specific smaller one to get part of the equipment set or anything of the sort, you just too often get a fomor command scroll for everything else, like gold tailed mongoose or something like that. Personally I'd like to see better drops for the fomor commands, and if possible the possibility to have them drop from mobs nearby where the specific boss spawns.

The second thing is that the NPC text for the spawn of the big field bosses is (as far as I know) still untranslated. It'd be nice if we could use those
Posted at 07-30-17, 12:49 pm Link | #3

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I often find unused fomor command scrolls on the ground with expired time. It means that even if someone find it, they don't always use it and therefore there's no way to know when the field boss will spawn (no message, no npc record, nothing).
I believe that the current system is meant for larger population but I don't see an easy way to fix it without just giving a timer (will would remove the hunting completely, I'm not promoting this option).
post rev. 2 by Farsela on 07-31-17, 02:42 am
Posted at 07-31-17, 02:39 am Link | #4

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Then perhaps increasing the rate of the scrolls dropping in addition to them being farther in advance before the boss spawn would be helpful perhaps?
Posted at 07-31-17, 10:39 am Link | #5

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Yes, although then you have the problem that people can find them still, and either use them and people that are interested don't see it at the time (especially if we allow them to drop further in advance since atm they already can drop multiple hours in advance, most I've seen being 3h), or people get them and keep them in their inventory for various reasons. The problem being in these scenarios is that for every boss, it only drops once (as far as I know). If this could be changed as well, increasing the rate and making them drop further in advance would work.

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