Suggestion: Changing CTRL key
Posted at 08-22-17, 01:27 pm Link | #1

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As the title says, i would like to know if it's possible to add the option to change the CTRL key used for targeting into another key. For example one could change it to the SPACEBAR since it's more or less centered in every keyboard making it easier to keep your fingers on both the skills and targeting keys. Also it would be safer than trying to change the keyboard mapping with other programs or by messing with system files.
Posted at 08-22-17, 08:19 pm Link | #2

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I believe you can change the key configuration through the in-game Options and Hotkeys... or something like that. I haven't been on MabiPro as of late, so I might be wrong.
Good luck!
post rev. 1 by hoangkamam on 08-22-17, 10:54 pm
Posted at 08-22-17, 10:43 pm Link | #3

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If you afraid of virus, you can compile the script your self using Autohotkey. It super simple, here the script:
Just paste the code in notepad and save file as filename.ahk
post rev. 1 by M1rko89 on 08-23-17, 09:32 am
Posted at 08-23-17, 09:03 am Link | #4

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@Hope i gave a look in the In-game option Hotkeys menu but there's no option to change the targeting key. you can modify pretty much everything else but not just CTRL.

@hoangkamam i didn't know such a program existed... i'll try the script today. i'll see how well it performs in-game.
EDIT: the script works on desktop but not in-game.

Thankyou very much Hope and hoangkamam for your time

I still think that adding the option in-game would be useful. Everyone feel free to share your opinions.
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 08-23-17, 09:35 am
Posted at 08-23-17, 09:35 am Link | #5
Drahan GM

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Thanks for the suggestion.
Unfortunately, it isn't very easy to add new hotkeys.

It might be possible to edit the current hotkey with a memory patch or binary modification to the client, but we will not do this.
If somebody else wants to do it, go for it.
Posted at 08-23-17, 10:40 am Link | #6

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For autohotkey, you need to compile .exe and run as administrator.
Posted at 08-23-17, 11:03 am Link | #7

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@Drahan thank you for your answer. since i know nothing about programming and such, i had no idea about the difficulty thank you anyway for your time

@hoangkamam ok i'm dumb. i didn't convert the .ahk into .exe that was the problem. Thank you very much for guiding me through works amazingly well.

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