Art Contest!! 8/29 (rev. 1 by Elimine on 08-30-17, 12:37 am)
Posted at 08-30-17, 12:30 am Link | #1

Posts: 28
Joined: 05-11-17
Last post: 131 days
Last view: 112 days
Hello Everyone! Elimine here, Back again with another art contest. This new contest has upped the stakes with higher prizes! There is a new twist though, The drawing must have flavor *some form of characteristic of my character* examples would be her doing blacksmithing, performing a request, or even saying something like: Where's that staff already. Or something on those lines

Prize is 125 red coins, 400k gold, or 1 free crafting work voucher!

Best drawing of my character will receive one of these rewards.

Along with that prize there will be 3 additional prices for 2nd place and 3rd place. Special to this event there will also be a poll at the end of the contest for a 4th prize!

Deadline is 9/20, Best of luck to all participants!
[Posted by Elimine on 08-31-17, 04:43 pm, deleted by Elimine]
  • #5085
post rev. 1 by Elimine on 09-07-17, 06:00 am
Posted at 08-31-17, 04:52 pm Link | #3

Posts: 28
Joined: 05-11-17
Last post: 131 days
Last view: 112 days

Submission by Miraamstrong

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