Posted at 07-22-17, 02:20 am Link | #41

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Hi, long time player going back to early G2, here. I look forward to a reborn Mabinogi without reforges. Maybe some of us played together back in the old days.
Posted at 08-06-17, 11:13 pm Link | #42

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Hello there everyone! I'm Rerisu. I'm pleased to be joining this server and joining a fresh experience to relive the nostalgia of my initial days with this game, I'm originally from the Mari server. I hope to have some good experiences on this server with you all.

I found out about Mabinogi Professional from my brother who found it on a Reddit post and directed it to me. I instantly fell for the concept of the server as old-school Mabinogi was a time that marked the beginning of my memories and experiences involving the game.

My IGN is Rerisu, I'm always around as my timezone allows. (GMT) If anyone needs help with anything then don't hesitate to contact me. I'm also keen on meeting new people. I'm typically around Tir. I'm excited to see where my time here takes me.
Posted at 08-12-17, 01:06 pm Link | #43

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Hi guys,

I'm Teddy. I started Mabinogi on the Tarlach server and played off and on right before ninjas came out. I found MabiPro through a reddit post and was blown away by the reality of a Mabinogi private server.

Mabinogi has always been one of my favourite games for the freedom it provides. I never liked being restricted to one class/role. I love the idea of using any skill you want and having one character do everything. This game doesn't make you do anything you don't want to do. Mabinogi is also the first game that made me really get into dressing up my character.

I'm excited to see how MabiPro and our community grows. Maybe it will grow into what Mabinogi live was supposed to be!
Posted at 08-21-17, 11:27 am Link | #44

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Hey, I'm Pegwald. I played the game first time in EU when G2 was introduced and moved over to NA when EU was taken down.
I played there for like a year or so until I had no active friends anymore, so I found the Aura project. The past year I've been running a pserver on my own until every player eventually joined this one instead (no hard feelings, though). I've gotten to the point where curiosity is just pulling me over the edge, so yeah... Hello everyone! ^^
Posted at 08-21-17, 10:48 pm Link | #45

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Howdy! Haven't played in 5 years, miss the good old combat. Found this when I looked up old school private server. Current character is Elloyn, but working my way to the Elf card, which will be my main.
Posted at 08-25-17, 03:23 pm Link | #46

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Hello! I am Funke of the Ruairi server, also went by Cheeball back in early mabi. Here to check out the server.
Posted at 08-26-17, 07:19 pm Link | #47

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Hello ;u; My name is Chi and I'm very nervous but excited to try out this server, I would love to become friends with everyone!
Posted at 08-29-17, 09:56 pm Link | #48

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Didn't notice the introduction thread. I'm Trance in game. formerly known as Technika over on Ruairi. Got fed up with the way Mabi went after martial arts, and just gave the game up entirely.

Here I plan to invest a lot of time just like I did in the old G13 and older game.

Quick question though, Will you guys support streaming this server on twitch?
Posted at 08-29-17, 10:12 pm Link | #49

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Didn't notice the introduction thread. I'm Trance in game. formerly known as Technika over on Ruairi. Got fed up with the way Mabi went after martial arts, and just gave the game up entirely.

Here I plan to invest a lot of time just like I did in the old G13 and older game.

Quick question though, Will you guys support streaming this server on twitch?

Yes they do support it. Youtube, and Twitch are fine.
Posted at 09-12-17, 07:52 pm Link | #50

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Hello! I'm Saffielia. I'm a Beta Tester from Ruairi. I'm mostly a social player who's addicted to pets and clothes (I had about 45 pets and 50 or so outfits on the Nexon server). I literally screamed when I found this server because the main one is too cluttered and the inflation got out of control. This new server is so relaxing! I'm stoked to play and hopefully make lots of friends. If anybody wants to add me, go ahead!~
Posted at 09-12-17, 10:04 pm Link | #51

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Rezilia. Been playing MMOs for over a decade, and been in Mabi since atleast its 2nd anniversary. I wanted to find a game to duo with a friend of mine but every MMO blocks his nation's IP. I saw Mabi in its terrible state and looked up a private server just to see, and here I am.

Nice to meet you all.
Posted at 09-13-17, 04:22 pm Link | #52

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Hello my ign is Ramza (other characters will be variations of it). I started playing Mabinogi as a beta tester back in 2008. What I really liked about the original game was the battle system, musical instruments, the community, and the anime drawings. I was really active from 2008-2012, but after G15 I started only logging on whenever there was a mainstream quest update. I sometimes pop back on the live version for about a week every other year or so just to check on the condition of my server (Tarlach lol).

For a few years now I wanted to play old school Mabi, since live Mabi was really unbalanced and was going in a totally different direction than I wanted it to. I researched on Google about a year ago and found something called Aura?? (something close to that), but it was already taken down by then. Just a few weeks ago I decided to go search again since this is legit my favorite MMORPG growing up, and I found Mabi Pro.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to meeting everyone in game. I really like to do team activities, so if anyone needs help on an RP Quest, mainstream quests, running dungeons, or shadow missions, let me know and I'll be there to help (assuming my level qualifies for the difficulty).
Posted at 09-20-17, 02:58 am Link | #53

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hey, i used to play this game back in the early years. looked for a private server then stumbled upon here. hope to get to know everyone on this server
Posted at 09-21-17, 01:49 am Link | #54

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Hi, I joined a couple of weeks ago but I never really introduced myself~ I'm Hina and my characters are Ankh and Peppermint! I'm originally from the Mari server as Hannya. I started Nexonogi in 08 and stopped playing intensely over the past year or so. I'm really enjoying my time here on this private server~ Nice to meet you all
post rev. 1 by Darth Johny on 09-21-17, 06:26 pm
Posted at 09-21-17, 06:25 pm Link | #55
Darth Johny

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Hello. This is Johny,Johny from Tarlach Server.
Mainstream mabi has gotten boring for me. Then an ex guildie from mainstream mabi introduced me to this just today. I'm thinking of trying it out. I think it would be refreshing to play old-school mabi again

Not sure if I'll be using the same IGN from mainstream mabi or using a new IGN, but once I decide I'll let you know.
Posted at 09-23-17, 09:14 am Link | #56

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Hi all, It's Demi here, played both US and EU mabi many years ago and it was nice to finally be back into the mabi world
I may be of use if translation is required..
Posted at 09-26-17, 08:35 pm Link | #57

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My name is Hoolio george funkle.
I played off and on; from when mabi first came out and nexon literally charged you for everything. scary times.
anywho; i haven't stopped since i started playing here so far 18 hours i think...

Posted at 09-29-17, 08:11 am Link | #58

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Hello everyone! My IGN is Sorcha. I joined MabiPro a few days ago ^^ I first played Mabinogi around when g3 first came out. Mabi was such a unique game to me back then. The story, the combat system, and most of all the celtic-theme, all really drew me in. I lost interest over the years though, the story really went downhill after g13 came out (though MoV and Macbeth were pretty good ngl, and the new chapter looks promising, tho I have yet to actually finish it), and the combat system has become so unbalanced and unfair it's not as fun anymore =/ I still play from time to time, but never for very long, I usually just get bored. There's just not much for me to do anymore other than help newbies it feels like. I found out about Mabipro through a google search ^^ Hope to see you all in game =)
Posted at 10-02-17, 08:22 pm Link | #59

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Just started yesterday. Came from Ruairi Server. Live in Hawaii so I have a weird Timezone. Played Mabinogi since Pioneers of Iria.
Posted at 10-05-17, 06:36 am Link | #60

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Hello! I went by way too many names in the Official servers; Raraldor, Gennodel, Hayago, Arengoth, Wesel, Nathir. I played the game on and off for 8 years now I believe. I was pretty disappointed when the combat system changed with Genesis, so it's nice to be able to play with the old combat system. I found the server through the old Mabinordic discord server. My IGN is Samaer

Outside of Mabi my main hobby is Go. Hope to see you all in game

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