Ores and fragmentes (rev. 3 by Alexa White on 10-09-17, 12:59 pm)
Posted at 10-09-17, 10:39 am Link | #1
Alexa White

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Ores and fragmentes are out of balance
When Metalurgy added into game - regular mining became obsolete because fragments are much more space effiency then regular ores, faster to obtain and you don't need to go deep in dungeon with aggro mobs to find them.
So - just want to do there what nexonogi already done - increase stack limit for regular ores up to 50. With that they can be somewhat on par with fragmentes. And mining in barri and solea can be worth. Because fragmentes much faster can be obtained, but ores in stack of 50 will had higher space efficiency and can be mined specificaly ore with upgraded pickaxe with higher chance (like silver or mythril).
Make ores great again! (I know you can do that)
Posted at 10-09-17, 11:35 am Link | #2

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I personally think this would be fine. Not much else to say about it really.
post rev. 1 by ZanathKariashi on 10-18-17, 09:11 am
Posted at 10-18-17, 09:11 am Link | #3

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yeah, that was one of the best changes on live, finally bumping up the ore stacks.
Posted at 10-20-17, 09:33 am Link | #4

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Even if this was changed, I would continue metallurgy just for the chance of finding gems.
Also I think that metallurgy gives higher rate for rare ores than upgraded pickaxes with mining (beside mythril) so it's not even worth this way.
The only reason I would go for mining would be to get iron and mythril ores over the other.

For blacksmiths, metallurgy is also better because you can get unknown ores and copper ores which, coupled with metal conversion, are the most efficient source of iron ingots and silver ingots.

So, if mining had to be rebalanced, it would need much greater change to be attractive in my opinion. Yet I'm not asking for that because I'm fine with metallurgy.... So I don't really care what happen.

In the end, if the 50 stack size for ores was a question in a content poll, I would vote yes because it is harmless.
Posted at 11-13-17, 11:17 pm Link | #5

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Semi-Necroposting instead of making my own thread for this exact suggestion, but the stack size increase from 10 to 50 sounds like the bare minimum for what should happen to 2x2 Ore. Another place to look might be to have Ore Piles by default feature a chance at multiple ores like Metallurgy does, if this is something that's possible. And given that it's already inherently less convenient, I'd wager that a chance of 1-3 ores without any Life Skill attached would render mining far from overpowered.

Poll it, or something.

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