Awesome! This is great news and good job to the GMs who were able to make this possible. However, you didn't mention about changing guild leaders. Did it not pass?
That passed, but that will most likely to be worked on later on (Web dev isn't in my field)
In my field, I still need to do 18, 19, and 20. Which will most likely be done in the next patch.
Well number 18 can be done in less than 1 minute....
Just update the following xml in the .pack (look that the part in bold)
<Skill SkillID="30101" SkillEngName="Lightningbolt" SkillLocalName="_LT[xml.skillinfo.38]" SkillType="3" TriggerType="3" SkillCategory="3" Season="1" Version="1" DescName="Lightningbolt" UIType="0" MaxStackNum="5"
StackLimitTime="0" UseType="0" RaceBasic="0" BasicType="0" IsHidden="False" IsSpecialAction="False" LvZeroUsable="False" OnceALife="False" TransformType="0" ParentSkill="0" TargetPreference="enemy|prop(/Lightningbolt/)" TargetRange="1200" ImageFile="data/gfx/image/" PositionX="5" PositionY="2" ClosedDesc="_LT[xml.skillinfo.116]" SkillDesc="_LT[xml.skillinfo.194]" PrepareLock="lock(walk,run)" WaitLock="unlock(attack,equip,stance,useitem)" MasterTitle="10015" DecreaseDuraByBrionac="0" Venturer="1" Knight="1" Bard="1" Merchant="1" Alchemist="1" />