A Guide on Building for Crit
Posted at 12-15-17, 01:09 pm Link | #1

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Hey guys, I haven't seen too much info surrounding this so I've made a little guide about why critical is important to build in the late game for certain classes/for certain uses, showing examples of what concrete numbers are needed to hit the 30% cap after monster protection.

For those who want me to add any more information about other classes/races let me know. I mainly focused on the class I know best which is Human Warrior. Hope this is helpful ^^ I will update the information if new enchants etc are added.

post rev. 1 by Russet on 12-16-17, 12:57 am
Posted at 12-16-17, 12:57 am Link | #2

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Thank you for the guide! Stuff like this is very helpful. ouo//

If i may ask, can we have like a simple order of importance for enchants?
like say, "marquis>stout earthquake>oblivion etc etc"

Also, do players using magic follow a similar path? or is it better to stack only critical? owo
post rev. 2 by Uzuu on 01-09-18, 10:53 pm
Posted at 12-18-17, 10:17 pm Link | #3

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Thank you for the guide! Stuff like this is very helpful. ouo//

If i may ask, can we have like a simple order of importance for enchants?
like say, "marquis>stout earthquake>oblivion etc etc"

Thank you! I'm glad that this helped you. Excelsian wrote a gear guide for melee players which shows level by level how you upgrade your gear, but for a very quick run down I will comment here (for pure melee humans):

Hat: Vine Dexterity > Oblivion Dexterity > Oblivion Delusional > Fox Delusional
Clothing: Restored White Horse > Extraordinary White Horse > Extraordinary Shard
Weapon: Ego Hooked Cutlass + Wyllow Horn Battle Sword >Wyllow Spike Battle Sword > Cypress Spike Battle Sword > Goddess Caliburn Broadsword
Gloves: Steel Needle Elegant/Swarming > Wooden Needle Elegant > Sacrificial Giant
Boots: Fleet Viscount > Oblivion Hard Peaca > Strider Hard Peaca > Sacrificial Hard Peaca
Accessories: Marquis Earthquake x2 > Stout Earthquake > Oblivion Passing rain/cosmos/any suffix really (this would be your advanced set but not your end game set so if your suffixes aren't perfect it won't matter too much if you're going for earthquake anyway.)

Also, do players using magic follow a similar path? or is it better to stack only critical? owo

In terms of magic I'd be lying if I said I knew much about magic but I would assume it depends on what you're using magic for. If you're using it for bolt magic then yes you build crit, since bolt magic doesn't ignore protection. However if you're plan is to use adv magic then I think you build int/magic attack/mp. I really can't say I know enough about magic though I will ask around and confirm that before I add it into the guide properly. I hope this helps!
Posted at 12-18-17, 10:25 pm Link | #4

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To clarify, Uzuu mentions the best would be Marquis Earthquake (which is true), but if you don't have Marquis accessories at this point, they are not available anymore through any means. This means the best you can go for is Stout Earthquake.
post rev. 1 by redclad on 12-22-17, 04:34 pm
Posted at 12-22-17, 04:34 pm Link | #5

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You could also add that those going for red special upgrades but not maxing critical for end-game content are basically losing damage power since the red upgrade/blue upgrade debate is, most of the time, considering 30% actual critical rate.

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