Disable Compatibility Mode
Posted at 03-07-17, 11:20 pm Link | #1
Still a casual gamer

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This will likely only apply if you have DPI scaling turned on, and using windows 10. If you're on win 10 with a high resolution and no DPI, well i feel sorry for your eyes.

So, made a mistake recently. Hit alt+enter to full screen, and then immediately hit it again to go back to window. The game knew it was supposed to be full screen, and it returned to normal as expected. Unfortunately, every time i tried to launch the game after that, the game decided that i wanted to run in compatibility mode, because i had entered full screen one time, even though it seemed to work fine in full screen and even though i wasn't launching the game in full screen. The result, was that it always gave me this little window when i would attempt to launch the client, via any method.


No matter which button i clicked, i couldn't open the client and every subsequent launch always opened that little window. I'll skip the discovery process, and go straight into how to get rid of this issue, should anyone else have it.


Go to your mabi pro directory, find client.exe, right-click, and open properties. Click the compatibility tab at the top. Odds are, you will have all boxes cleared on this screen. You'll want to click "Change settings for all users." Now check the box "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings."
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-09-17, 12:03 am Link | #2

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Thanks, i actually had this issue and it was quite irritating

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