How should the potions be made? (see first post for explanations)
Craft involving less popular life skills
5 (35.71%)
Custom ingredients from various sources
10 (71.43%)
Time gated ingredients
3 (21.43%)
Multiple voting is allowed. 14 users have voted so far. Total votes: 18.
Enchant protection pots
Posted at 12-16-17, 05:25 pm Link | #1

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So me and some others already spoke to Drahan about possible ways to introduce this item into our version of the game. This post will list some of the possible ways to introduce it from which can be chosen and combined. We are interested to see what the community thinks of:

1. The addition of the item
2. How obtain/create it
3. How difficult it is to obtain (in terms of where it drops, chances etc.)

Some initial concerns with the addition is that you shouldn't be able to get them in big amounts. Their effect on the game (in terms of making enchanting easier) are huge, so they should not be obtained so easy that people would consider using them for minor enchants. A good illustrations is how ancient powders on this server are scarce, and only used for truly important items (putting that last prefix on an item with a r5 suffix already on it or stuff like that).

So the ideas thrown around were the following.

1. To create the item, multiple skills are required to raise the usefulness of the less popular life skills (mainly thinking towards having to cook up an ingredient, and then use potion making to craft the enchant protection potion or something of the like).
2. Ingredients involved to make the item, are obtained through various means (which should likely include higher difficulty stuff because the item is so strong, but can also include certain ingredients coming from stuff like jousting point shop or fishing perhaps). These ingredients should consists of new custom ingredients to craft it.
3. Introducing some form of time gating to people from obtaining multiple whenever they want. The main example of an item to which this principle is already applied is Ancient powders from auction (they are time gated due to them randomly showing up on auction over time, you can't just get them whenever you want by simply farming, making them scarce). Time gating could be done by for example putting an ingredient in the jousting shop, for which you need to get points which can not be done whenever you want (also making jousting more popular again).

I included a poll to see peoples interest in the ideas given. It'd be nice to see whether people are interested in this and what the ideas from the community are around the addition of the item.
Posted at 12-17-17, 12:35 pm Link | #2

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I prefer not to have them at all.
post rev. 1 by Uzuu on 12-17-17, 01:33 pm
Posted at 12-17-17, 12:51 pm Link | #3

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I prefer not to have them at all.

Could you elaborate on why? I personally think they're fine as long as they're scarce and function in the same way as Ancient Magic Powder (for example, you use them on your Extraordinary White Horse Suit in order to get Restored White Horse because if you blow up a White Horse suit I think some people would rather quit than farm Alby Adv 3 all over again for an enchant that barely ever drops unless you're very lucky.) If it functions in the same as this and incentivises you to rank up a skill then I don't really see too many problems with it as long as it's not mass farmable/sold by Shyla. But I'm wondering what your thoughts are on it
Posted at 12-17-17, 05:56 pm Link | #4

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I don't like the idea of it being put in jousting honestly because then your buddies will join and just let you win. It seems like it could be easily monopolized. I would rather see unpersonalization pots.
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 12-17-17, 07:05 pm
Posted at 12-17-17, 07:00 pm Link | #5

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Jousting was just an example, it doesn't have to be necessarily implemented like that (although you raise a good point about implementing it through jousting). And although I am not against unpersonalization pots, it is a whole different discussion altogether (and I prefer an alternative to pots that unpersonalize).
Posted at 12-17-17, 07:21 pm Link | #6

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This idea would be really fun! you could even use weird things like field boss parts such as a "Small-eared Aardvark Claw" to make them. or put the ingredients in less popular dungeons and missions! \ouo/
Posted at 12-17-17, 10:18 pm Link | #7

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Didn't think of using field bosses personally. Sounds like a good idea, however I think it should be something that is dropped by multiple of the less popular field bosses in that case to give them more meaning, and not just make people have to keep track of a single field boss (like the oblivion grind we currently have with giant long horned gnus).
Posted at 12-17-17, 10:36 pm Link | #8

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I don't like the field boss idea. I can already imagine the drama from kill stealing bosses. Imagine if it was added to the shareable field bosses like the Gator or Dragons. This would just give more fire to the anti-alts. I think the best and easiest way to implement this would be through end game dungeons as a primary loot chest only.
Posted at 12-17-17, 11:25 pm Link | #9

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Although I'm personally in favor of adding required ingredients to craft it into difficult content as well (due to it being an item you should be aiming for when you are already further into the game), I don't think adding one of the components as part of a field boss drop table is a bad idea (while also having other components in more difficult content). Although when I say this, I am referring to smaller field bosses like gold forest lizard, golden kiwi, white fennec foxes etc. and not the big ones with shared drops. As long as multiple of them have a chance to drop the same component and the drop rate isn't as bad as something like oblivion from gnus, it can bring more meaning to these field bosses that are generally overlooked.
Posted at 12-17-17, 11:31 pm Link | #10

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I rather have it come from Peaca int. So people are forced to run through it for their endgame needs
Posted at 12-17-17, 11:46 pm Link | #11

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The smaller bosses can still be KS'd and camped. :/
Posted at 12-17-17, 11:54 pm Link | #12

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I pretty much agree that something like peaca int (being the hardest thing we have atm) should be involved, but I just think that if the GMs were to listen to that suggestion (having to do peaca int being a requirement to do it), that more than 25% of the playerbase will reject the addition of the item altogether since they think they can't obtain it anyway (unless the final crafted item is tradeable).

And to pass the content polls, you need to have 75% of the community agree. So choosing an inbetween (something more accessible than peaca int but less accessible than the easier content like any adv mission/anything below HM adv dungeons).

The smaller bosses can still be KS'd and camped. :/

Most smaller bosses spawn more frequently than Gnus, and if multiple of them were to drop the component that is required from them to craft it at a rate that is more frequent than oblivion (I think oblivion was like 7% or something from what I remember? Don't quote me on that pls), I don't think KSing and camping is such a big problem because you can't camp multiple locations at once and there should be enough spawns for everyone. Personally I barely ever experienced problems with camping on bosses like long horned gnus (which are arguably the most important of the smaller field bosses that we have atm due to it having one of the better enchants available to us).
Posted at 12-18-17, 01:14 am Link | #13

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I rather have it come from Peaca int. So people are forced to run through it for their endgame needs

Posted at 12-18-17, 06:58 am Link | #14

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I rather have it come from Peaca int. So people are forced to run through it for their endgame needs


Posted at 12-18-17, 02:48 pm Link | #15

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Here's another idea I'd rather see then enchant protection potions. (because those remove all risks from enchanting).

What about craftable (with hard to obtain materials) magic powder that like dramaticly improves the enchant % even on high rank enchants. like 70% succes rate at 5 even.
post rev. 1 by redclad on 12-19-17, 12:01 am
Posted at 12-18-17, 11:58 pm Link | #16

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Here's another idea I'd rather see then enchant protection potions. (because those remove all risks from enchanting).

What about craftable (with hard to obtain materials) magic powder that like dramaticly improves the enchant % even on high rank enchants. like 70% succes rate at 5 even.
This seems to be an interesting idea but would make ancient powders useless if it's easier to get than ancient powder. And we know that ancient powders are extremely rare already.
Enchant protection potions would be rare and justify the use of good powder like ancient powder to avoid failing and having to use another potion but not destroying the item which is the worse that can happen.

Out of the options, I'm for the addition of the potion and for both using multiple craft skills and rare ingredients (so two poll options) but not completely impossible to make like one per year.
One ingredient from peaca int, ok but not as reward chest, more like a drop from mobs. There's already good stuff coming from reward chest and it would be a shame to lose a chance from one of the current reward to find a mere ingredient. A simple ingredient would be, in my opinion, too rare if it came from the reward chest (it's not the final potion, remember).
Posted at 12-19-17, 03:57 pm Link | #17

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Here's another idea I'd rather see then enchant protection potions. (because those remove all risks from enchanting).

What about craftable (with hard to obtain materials) magic powder that like dramaticly improves the enchant % even on high rank enchants. like 70% succes rate at 5 even.
This seems to be an interesting idea but would make ancient powders useless if it's easier to get than ancient powder. And we know that ancient powders are extremely rare already.
Enchant protection potions would be rare and justify the use of good powder like ancient powder to avoid failing and having to use another potion but not destroying the item which is the worse that can happen.

Out of the options, I'm for the addition of the potion and for both using multiple craft skills and rare ingredients (so two poll options) but not completely impossible to make like one per year.
One ingredient from peaca int, ok but not as reward chest, more like a drop from mobs. There's already good stuff coming from reward chest and it would be a shame to lose a chance from one of the current reward to find a mere ingredient. A simple ingredient would be, in my opinion, too rare if it came from the reward chest (it's not the final potion, remember).

Just wanted to say I completely agree with clad. Adding on to this if the ingredient comes from prime loot in a reward chest and the success rate is at r1 70% or so, that seems way too overkill for a protection potion. If it drops from monsters in peaca int however, I'd be all for this. Also, just to clarify you still need to run peaca int for your end-game needs if you truly want to min-max to get a good roll on steel needle and even if you feel peaca int needs more of an incentive to run, perhaps new gear that is better than our current gear can be added to the prime loot the dungeon can drop without making enchant protection pots too difficult to get. Besides, the whole exploding an item that you are enchanting was only designed to milk money by forcing those who are serious about the game to buy enchant protection pots. Since we don't have that p2w system here, I truly don't see any problem with the potions as a whole being implemented, unless there was a way to just remove the exploding effect when enchanting altogether. Since this will likely be too difficult, I'm all for enchant protection potions that you have to work to get. Not so hard as you have to run 50 peaca ints to get it, but not so easy that you can farm the potion as a whole as a drop in a shadow mission either.
Posted at 12-20-17, 05:58 am Link | #18
Drahan GM

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These are all great constructive suggestions.
We love hearing about your creative ideas to improve the server.

Here's some of the thoughts I have on the subject:
  • The final product should be tradable to promote economic activity.
  • The ingredients required to formulate the potion should be diverse and obtained through multiple economic sectors.
  • The prerequisite skill levels required to formulate the potion should be high level to promote skill training.
  • I like the idea of "multi-stage" crafting - i.e crafting prerequisite ingredients, instead of just having a few simple ingredients drop. This increases economic value and difficulty to obtain, but also gives opportunity to involve other skills as well.
    If we assume that the skill required to make the final product is Potion Making, we can require you to insert an ingredient that must be crafted with Handicraft, or potentially other skills.
  • Any multi-stage ingredients could have multiple ways to obtain them.
    • Crafting?
    • Rare monster drops?
    • Events?
    • Dungeon chest drops?
    This allows for more dynamic gameplay - you can choose the way you want to play. If you prefer to run dungeons all day, then you have a chance to obtain what you wish by running dungeons. If you are lucky, you might be able to purchase the ingredient off of a player who obtained one through a rare monster drop or event.
    If all else fails, you may be able to slowly gather the lower level ingredients to craft your higher level ingredient manually if you seem to have run out of options.
  • Any ingredient required to craft the final product should not be time restricted or expire. In other words, you should be able to take a week, month, or even a year to finalize your product.
  • Any ingredient required to craft the final product should not come from any "personalized event" - which is any event that is well, personal to a specific player. For example, jousting is personalized. As mentioned previously in the thread, jousting can be manipulated and the final result can be tampered with by players.
  • Ideally, the active game play time required to craft the product would be approximately 8 weeks. This means the final product would be quite expensive and be reserved for "extremely important" enchants/items.

These are a combination of things discussed in game as well as things floating around in my head.
Let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: These are simply my opinions on the subject, and are in no way a representation of what the team thinks or is actually doing.
Posted at 12-20-17, 12:55 pm Link | #19

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These are all great constructive suggestions.
We love hearing about your creative ideas to improve the server.

Here's some of the thoughts I have on the subject:
  • The final product should be tradable to promote economic activity.
  • The ingredients required to formulate the potion should be diverse and obtained through multiple economic sectors.
  • The prerequisite skill levels required to formulate the potion should be high level to promote skill training.
  • I like the idea of "multi-stage" crafting - i.e crafting prerequisite ingredients, instead of just having a few simple ingredients drop. This increases economic value and difficulty to obtain, but also gives opportunity to involve other skills as well.
    If we assume that the skill required to make the final product is Potion Making, we can require you to insert an ingredient that must be crafted with Handicraft, or potentially other skills.
  • Any multi-stage ingredients could have multiple ways to obtain them.
    • Crafting?
    • Rare monster drops?
    • Events?
    • Dungeon chest drops?
    This allows for more dynamic gameplay - you can choose the way you want to play. If you prefer to run dungeons all day, then you have a chance to obtain what you wish by running dungeons. If you are lucky, you might be able to purchase the ingredient off of a player who obtained one through a rare monster drop or event.
    If all else fails, you may be able to slowly gather the lower level ingredients to craft your higher level ingredient manually if you seem to have run out of options.
  • Any ingredient required to craft the final product should not be time restricted or expire. In other words, you should be able to take a week, month, or even a year to finalize your product.
  • Any ingredient required to craft the final product should not come from any "personalized event" - which is any event that is well, personal to a specific player. For example, jousting is personalized. As mentioned previously in the thread, jousting can be manipulated and the final result can be tampered with by players.
  • Ideally, the active game play time required to craft the product would be approximately 8 weeks. This means the final product would be quite expensive and be reserved for "extremely important" enchants/items.

These are a combination of things discussed in game as well as things floating around in my head.
Let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: These are simply my opinions on the subject, and are in no way a representation of what the team thinks or is actually doing.

Posted at 12-21-17, 01:41 pm Link | #20

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Ideally, the active game play time required to craft the product would be approximately 8 weeks. This means the final product would be quite expensive and be reserved for "extremely important" enchants/items.

I'm not sure what is active game play for you.... is it full time grind or simply a couple hours a day ?
In any case I feel like 8 weeks is a bit overkill since you will probably need several protection potions prepared before attempting to enchant since you're likely to fail enchanting one or few times which would blow up the protection after each fail.
If I want to enchant a rank 5 enchant with protection potions, I would probably prepare at least 3 potions before even attempting the actual enchantment which would take me 24 weeks (assuming I'm making them alone), almost 6 months before even attempting an enchantment. And that's when we are already high level to be able to make the potion in the first place.
Two to four weeks seems more reasonable to me. Now, that's my personal opinion.

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