Hi everybody!
I'm creating this tutorial for those who may have issues with our patcher or who prefer to manually patch their clients.
This will teach you how to retrieve the updated content from our patch server and apply it to your client manually without the use of our patcher.
First, you will need to find two things:
Local version and
remote version.
Local version is the version that your client is currently at right now.
Remote version is the version of the client that you'd like to update to.
Please note, that you may have to go through several local and remote versions before you are on the latest version of the client.
For example, before our last maintenance the local version should be 208.
After the maintenance, the remote version should be 209.
Now that you've found those versions, navigate to
Replace local and remote with the version numbers you found earlier.
For our example, we'll use
Download and save this file somewhere nearby. You'll need it.
Extract the file you downloaded directly into your Mabinogi Professional game directory (where Client.exe lives) and then overwrite any files that are already existing.
This will bring your client up to date with the version you just patched on to it.
Please note that the launcher will be unaware that you updated past your local version, but you should still be able to join the game if you use the alternative launcher.