Nice. But that is lie. They can upgrade Pleione.
Because I saw exactly same situation - Ragnarok Online - it have even older engine. And I saw two fan worked fan projects that completly replaces Ragnarok Online own engine. One make game work in browsers via WebGL and one make game work on android tablets. And that done by small group (or even by one man) without millions from publishers.

I played game via that client on some private server and it's completly fine.
It's not a "process would be equivalent of writing a new game from scratch" - it's just devcat abandon game and milking their playerbase via new payd content.
Comparing Ragnorak Online to Mabinogi is kinda silly.
Ragnorak Online has a much more simple protocol, simple rendering system, and simple fundamental mechanics.
It's also fully documented and most of it's code is easy replicable.
That's why people are able to replicate it easily.
If it was easy for 1 man to completely replicate Mabinogi, we wouldn't be running on Nexon's server binaries or their client.
I've seen projects to replicate Mabinogi all end up failing when it comes to the intricate mechanics.
Creating a client and rendering is not the hard part, we've done it before and could do it again. However, the rendering is not Pleione's only purpose.
There's a reason we're the only successful private server that exists for Mabinogi, and the emulators/replicas of the game aren't fully functional.
This game is far more complex than Ragnorak Online.
If Nexon wanted to abandon Pleione and use a new engine (read as: write a new engine), they would be tearing the entire project apart and basically all of the code would be useless.
In other words, they'd be writing the game from scratch.