should switching to secondary equipment make you lose mana while holding a wand
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Mana Wands
Posted at 11-16-17, 02:41 am Link | #1

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Is there any way that we can remove "The Mana connected to wand has disappeared." I would like to switch weapons without losing all my mana
Posted at 11-16-17, 04:05 am Link | #2

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Time to buy some Mana Preservation Stones, bub.
Posted at 12-17-17, 07:32 pm Link | #3

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The common mana preservation stones only give like 100 to you, which is kind of a pittance though.
But no mana evaporation is a super crazy buff to mages! maybe being out of combat for 10-30 minutes turns off evaporation?

It would just be a nice quality of life thing since i really hate that i cant touch my second slot if theres a wand there =u=''
Posted at 12-17-17, 08:45 pm Link | #4

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I feel it is a class 'drawback' that exists, but it is a just one. The original 3 classes each had a negative defect to them. Warriors lose hp with windmill, archers have to aim attacks, and mages lose hp if they try to use anything other than their wand.

If this is removed then a defect needs to be removed from the other classes, but that isn't, and shouldn't happen. Not a big fan of losing all my mp (especially without inspiration) but it is fair.
Posted at 12-18-17, 12:41 am Link | #5

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I feel it is a class 'drawback' that exists, but it is a just one. The original 3 classes each had a negative defect to them. Warriors lose hp with windmill, archers have to aim attacks, and mages lose hp if they try to use anything other than their wand.

If this is removed then a defect needs to be removed from the other classes, but that isn't, and shouldn't happen. Not a big fan of losing all my mp (especially without inspiration) but it is fair.

Yeah..some warrior drawback. It totally stops everyone from just spinning to deadly for hours on end.....Wait...

Honestly it'd be nice to have some sort of action that removes your wand over the course of like, 1-2 minutes so you can't use it in combat, but you also don't cry every time you forget to put a 2h or something on your back to keep picked up weps from going to your 2nd weapon slots. Also, mana stones are honestly trash. The best one is only 300mp and if what i can gather from the wiki is true, if you were to say, have any mp left under 100mp and a 100 or higher stone, and swap off your wand, you'd still lose all your mana because they don't trigger unless you have 100 or higher mp.
Posted at 12-19-17, 01:24 pm Link | #6

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Hard mode mage onli mode mage !
Posted at 12-20-17, 12:57 am Link | #7

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The common mana preservation stones only give like 100 to you, which is kind of a pittance though.
But no mana evaporation is a super crazy buff to mages! maybe being out of combat for 10-30 minutes turns off evaporation?

It would just be a nice quality of life thing since i really hate that i cant touch my second slot if theres a wand there =u=''

the solution is to make mana preservation stones better, not to gut the mechanic
Posted at 12-20-17, 03:28 am Link | #8

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did someone say mana evap? :^)
Posted at 12-20-17, 05:24 am Link | #9
Drahan GM

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The common mana preservation stones only give like 100 to you, which is kind of a pittance though.
But no mana evaporation is a super crazy buff to mages! maybe being out of combat for 10-30 minutes turns off evaporation?

It would just be a nice quality of life thing since i really hate that i cant touch my second slot if theres a wand there =u=''

If you're not in combat, then what's it matter if your mana evaporates?
Posted at 12-20-17, 07:32 am Link | #10

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I suppose one thing I'd say would help would probably be increasing the stack size of Mana Preservation Stones to something higher than 10.

Maybe also buffing the existing Mana Evaporation reduction upgrades we have SIGNIFICANTLY, since they're super terrible (doubly so because they're not only pretty ineffective at ultimately keeping your mana when you swap off, but also because in doing so you're sacrificing other upgrades that get you places).
Posted at 01-01-18, 11:20 pm Link | #11

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here we go again with the mana evap talk, Ausar did a good suggestion regarding this...

Make Mana preservation stones with Mana Crystalization in a fixed recipe instead of random Synt chance.

Voila, Mana Evap problem fixed, make the 100 ones easy, make 150 ones so so, 200 ones hard, 250 very hard 300 ones ultra hard to craft.

Mage, are OP, don't make them more OP.

(And Im a bloody spellsword, this crap would simply be giving me Power, and Im the first one to say "no." so, take it as you want bois and gals)
Posted at 01-02-18, 08:54 am Link | #12

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here we go again with the mana evap talk, Ausar did a good suggestion regarding this...

Make Mana preservation stones with Mana Crystalization in a fixed recipe instead of random Synt chance.

Voila, Mana Evap problem fixed, make the 100 ones easy, make 150 ones so so, 200 ones hard, 250 very hard 300 ones ultra hard to craft.

Mage, are OP, don't make them more OP.

(And Im a bloody spellsword, this crap would simply be giving me Power, and Im the first one to say "no." so, take it as you want bois and gals)

As a full time mage with over half of my magic tab capped, magic is far from op. Windmill beats mages in most cases, and even more so when fighting groups of things your full charge int magic can't defeat in one shot. Not to mention with the current formula, int gains to damage are laughable compared to strength/melee and dex/range, and there are practically no enchants worthy of using for mages other than a small handful.

Back on topic, mana preservation stones are also very unwieldy. Making them easier to obtain wouldn't fix the inherent problems with them, one of them being the inability to choose if you want to use it or not, or which one to use if you don't want to use your highest ones. Sure, you can drop them into a pet's inventory, but that defeats the purpose of switching mid battle. Keep them difficult to obtain as they are now, and people will continue using potions over them. Make them too easy to obtain, and then there'd be little difference between that and having no evaporation at all, as is being suggested here, other than more things clogging your inventory.
Posted at 01-02-18, 09:46 am Link | #13

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here we go again with the mana evap talk, Ausar did a good suggestion regarding this...

Make Mana preservation stones with Mana Crystalization in a fixed recipe instead of random Synt chance.

Voila, Mana Evap problem fixed, make the 100 ones easy, make 150 ones so so, 200 ones hard, 250 very hard 300 ones ultra hard to craft.

Mage, are OP, don't make them more OP.

(And Im a bloody spellsword, this crap would simply be giving me Power, and Im the first one to say "no." so, take it as you want bois and gals)

As a full time mage with over half of my magic tab capped, magic is far from op. Windmill beats mages in most cases, and even more so when fighting groups of things your full charge int magic can't defeat in one shot. Not to mention with the current formula, int gains to damage are laughable compared to strength* reislerenalee and dex/range, and there are practically no enchants worthy of using for mages other than a small handful.

Back on topic, mana preservation stones are also very unwieldy. Making them easier to obtain wouldn't fix the inherent problems with them, one of them being the inability to choose if you want to use it or not, or which one to use if you don't want to use your highest ones. Sure, you can drop them into a pet's inventory, but that defeats the purpose of switching mid battle. Keep them difficult to obtain as they are now, and people will continue using potions over them. Make them too easy to obtain, and then there'd be little difference between that and having no evaporation at all, as is being suggested here, other than more things clogging your inventory.

So I just wrote all that up without realizing the core issue of how the stones are codded to work ONLY when you are AT or ABOVE the amount listed, and nothing bellow that..and then realized that even making them % based wouldn't be the best idea as then you'd have to worry about accidentally using one up at even 0 mp. I still think that's a better solution without making the community go nuts. This draw back could be seen as another draw back to magic, even after you reduce the mana evap via a stone, having to be completely aware at what your'e doing and when and your stock.

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