Allow Commerce in this server
15 (75%)
5 (25%)
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Commerce (rev. 2 by Primate on 12-17-17, 06:37 am)
Posted at 12-17-17, 06:30 am Link | #1

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Do you guys think Commerce is a possible feature feature in this patch? I think Commerce would help a lot of new players develop some form of income. Commerce wouldn't also be taking up by alts since you have to manually click and move. I think this would be really good to some players who chose to "roleplay" and not fight mobs. If this patch isn't possible i understand.

Please add your two cents in why commerce would be bad or good !

*Rough description of Commerce*
*Commerce is a special system that allows players to trade goods for money.
*Within or around every town in Uladh and Belvast, there is a Trading Post. You can elect to participate in trading by buying Fomorian Goods from these Posts and carrying them to the Posts in other towns to sell for a profit.
*The system is with ducats on this system*
Ducats are used to buy good from the imp merchant for a price of ducats.
Its understandable that some of the ducat weapons shouldn't be allowed like (Piercing weapons/Lances).
I'm not sure if the dev team can remove such items from the shops.(Hoping they can).
Posted at 12-17-17, 06:44 am Link | #2

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I think it's just a fun system to have, regardless of if it's good for new players. They should probably reduce the gold and exp output though, I remember getting some fat stacks on live
Posted at 12-17-17, 06:46 am Link | #3

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I think it's just a fun system to have, regardless of if it's good for new players. They should probably reduce the gold and exp output though, I remember getting some fat stacks on live
Only time it was fat stacks when you hit lvl 5+ on towns when you get the big loads!
[Posted by alexisrtg on 12-17-17, 07:24 am, deleted by alexisrtg]
  • #6830
post rev. 2 by Slayerj on 12-17-17, 09:36 am
Posted at 12-17-17, 09:17 am Link | #5

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Honestly we could probably do it even better. Normally I'd say something is too complex or hard for the team, but they have a great member that joined recently that I feel can do almost anything with Mabinogi honestly, that said I still know some things would either take way too much time, too much work, or just not possible with the system. If possible we could enhance commerce to be better than it was on life. Maybe make special items to be crafted with life skills that can be turned in at their respective towns for goods you can't just get from the menu.

It's been a while since I did anything live related, but if I recall... Emain had food related items(?), Dunby had 'fashion' related items, tara I don't recall but think it was, for some reason, furniture items with tail as alchemy items, bangor was smithing related, and tir escapes me completely. I want to say tir was potions?

Creating turn in items for each town for high profit/things you don't have to use your own ducats/gold on to get, would give life skills, early on, a more profitable outcome. Typically you don't start turning any profit, if ever, until very late in the life skills.

This could also be used as an reason to bring in extra things. Like, if tir was a potion making place like..I...think it was for commerce, a crafting location in the healers house that gives you a bonus 1-2% on pot making. You can still make pots anywhere using a pot crafting kit, but doing it here, for maybe a small fee per 1-5 minutes, similar to refining, you could just get some bonus % to it.

With the map editor we got, you can make some of those buildings in Tara open up to be actual shops or crafting locals for furniture. Truthfully that's where I run out of ideas though.
Posted at 12-17-17, 12:38 pm Link | #6

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I believe the dev's already responded to an earlier thread that its not possible for them to implement it.
Posted at 12-17-17, 05:34 pm Link | #7

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I believe the dev's already responded to an earlier thread that its not possible for them to implement it.

It's most likely not possible to easily implement it, be it custom, or how it was on live, without a lot of work. In the past it would have been impossible because the dev team lacked someone who could REALLY do work in Mabinogi's code, but now they do. Granted if they did want to implement something like this, it would take a long time and the new coder would have to spend all their active time working on it and nothing else to make any real progress.
Posted at 12-23-17, 02:27 pm Link | #8
Drahan GM

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I believe the dev's already responded to an earlier thread that its not possible for them to implement it.

It's most likely not possible to easily implement it, be it custom, or how it was on live, without a lot of work. In the past it would have been impossible because the dev team lacked someone who could REALLY do work in Mabinogi's code, but now they do. Granted if they did want to implement something like this, it would take a long time and the new coder would have to spend all their active time working on it and nothing else to make any real progress.

This is true.
It's not easy, but it is theoretically possible.
I'm not sure that we can justify time being spent to implement this feature over smaller, more important things though.
Posted at 12-23-17, 04:21 pm Link | #9

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I believe the dev's already responded to an earlier thread that its not possible for them to implement it.

It's most likely not possible to easily implement it, be it custom, or how it was on live, without a lot of work. In the past it would have been impossible because the dev team lacked someone who could REALLY do work in Mabinogi's code, but now they do. Granted if they did want to implement something like this, it would take a long time and the new coder would have to spend all their active time working on it and nothing else to make any real progress.

This is true.
It's not easy, but it is theoretically possible.
I'm not sure that we can justify time being spent to implement this feature over smaller, more important things though.

That's true, though would this be considered if the team ever did a life skill overhaul, as it could (and should) directly tie into something like that.
Posted at 01-01-18, 11:11 pm Link | #10

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and lets be honest, the system as it is on Official is meh, I wouldn't mind having a real trading system that would affect not only economy(NPC shops) but even the playerbase, idk, for example place X gives you a wagon of "goods" to transport to Place Y, if you transport it without a problem(being attacked by bandits and get all the stuff stolen derp) would open new shops selling that type of usable goods for a set time, these goods could be either Leather(any type) Ore(Any Kind) special materials for new kind of Clothing(magical for Mages) Light/Heavy Armor and Weapons, idk...there's a lot of possibilities to make the mechanic fun, not that b.s we got on official that barely anyone touches atm.
Posted at 01-02-18, 03:37 am Link | #11

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I'd mix it up a little.

instead of generating goods automatically, crafters would actually need to make the items and sell them to the merchants for a base-rate (But they can only accept so many at a time, so people HAVE to Commerce to open up slots for more, with forfeited goods being returned to the stock). And then people who want to make potentially more profit can go risk the bandits transporting to other towns.

Tir = Potion Making
Tara = Carpentary
Bangor = Refining/Blacksmithing
Emain = Cooking
Tail = Synthesis/crystal making
Dunby = Tailoring
Port Ceann = Fishing Goods/local gatherables
Posted at 01-02-18, 11:30 am Link | #12

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I'd mix it up a little.

instead of generating goods automatically, crafters would actually need to make the items and sell them to the merchants for a base-rate (But they can only accept so many at a time, so people HAVE to Commerce to open up slots for more, with forfeited goods being returned to the stock). And then people who want to make potentially more profit can go risk the bandits transporting to other towns.

Tir = Potion Making
Tara = Carpentary
Bangor = Refining/Blacksmithing
Emain = Cooking
Tail = Synthesis/crystal making
Dunby = Tailoring
Port Ceann = Fishing Goods/local gatherables

I like it, wouldn't mind seeing a mechanic like this.
Posted at 01-04-18, 08:04 am Link | #13

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Wouldn't it make more sense for Emain to be weaving as well as cooking?
Posted at 01-04-18, 10:43 pm Link | #14

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Wouldn't it make more sense for Emain to be weaving as well as cooking?

probably, but were just throwing ideas around xD not that the devs got much window to be implementing mechanics from 0 atm, sadly enough.
Posted at 01-05-18, 12:25 am Link | #15

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and lets be honest, the system as it is on Official is meh, I wouldn't mind having a real trading system that would affect not only economy(NPC shops) but even the playerbase, idk, for example place X gives you a wagon of "goods" to transport to Place Y, if you transport it without a problem(being attacked by bandits and get all the stuff stolen derp) would open new shops selling that type of usable goods for a set time, these goods could be either Leather(any type) Ore(Any Kind) special materials for new kind of Clothing(magical for Mages) Light/Heavy Armor and Weapons, idk...there's a lot of possibilities to make the mechanic fun, not that b.s we got on official that barely anyone touches atm.

and let players be able to pk the people doing this commerce and u have my vote =>
Posted at 01-06-18, 12:23 pm Link | #16

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and lets be honest, the system as it is on Official is meh, I wouldn't mind having a real trading system that would affect not only economy(NPC shops) but even the playerbase, idk, for example place X gives you a wagon of "goods" to transport to Place Y, if you transport it without a problem(being attacked by bandits and get all the stuff stolen derp) would open new shops selling that type of usable goods for a set time, these goods could be either Leather(any type) Ore(Any Kind) special materials for new kind of Clothing(magical for Mages) Light/Heavy Armor and Weapons, idk...there's a lot of possibilities to make the mechanic fun, not that b.s we got on official that barely anyone touches atm.

and let players be able to pk the people doing this commerce and u have my vote =>

on any other game with a decent pvp system I would say yes instantly, but how the mechanic of PvP is flawled on Mabi, I can't say yes xD the whole thing is a neat idea...alas, an idea.

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