Clothing Part Time Job needs a tweaking!
Posted at 01-12-18, 07:29 pm Link | #1

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Clothing PTJ's turn in times are ridiculously long and unnecessary. I get the quest at 7am and am unable to turn it in til 12pm or 5pm. I have to wait for 2 hours left sometimes to turn in clothes for no reason other than Simon is a sadist. Please turn all Clothing PTJ turn in times to 9am, two hours after you can obtain them. Also please no comments about how this is a necessary setback for Life Productionists. You know, Warriors lose 10% HP on windmill, Archers can miss , Mages have mana evaporation and always need more mana, and finally Life Productionist's PTJ quests make them wanna seppuku alongside their carpal tunnel.
Posted at 01-12-18, 09:30 pm Link | #2

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Most part-time jobs have a pretty long time limit before you can turn them in, because it limits you from doing multiple kinds part-time jobs in quick succession on a single erin day.

If you find it troubling that you have to wait till you can turn in a party time job why not start it later then 7am. Pick up the quest at 10am and turn it in at 12pm instead.
Posted at 01-12-18, 09:37 pm Link | #3

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Because it's a work around and annoying. It's what I already do, but it requires a huge time crunch. If I wasn't already annoyed doing that, I wouldn't complain about it. Walter's PTJ turn in time is 2 hours no matter what and starts at 7am. HW PTJs are 4 hours after 12pm. Clothing PTJs being so late and being completely unflexible is just unnecessary.
Posted at 01-13-18, 11:57 pm Link | #4

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Because it's a work around and annoying. It's what I already do, but it requires a huge time crunch. If I wasn't already annoyed doing that, I wouldn't complain about it. Walter's PTJ turn in time is 2 hours no matter what and starts at 7am. HW PTJs are 4 hours after 12pm. Clothing PTJs being so late and being completely unflexible is just unnecessary.

This. Other PTJs are reasonable, it makes sense that Walter would be reasonable too.
post rev. 1 by Rarolina on 01-16-18, 08:59 pm
Posted at 01-16-18, 08:58 pm Link | #5

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Notice how they say turn in time starts at noon when it does not.

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