Posts: 61
Joined: 12-20-17
Last post: 1488 days
Last view: 1420 days
Clothing PTJ's turn in times are ridiculously long and unnecessary. I get the quest at 7am and am unable to turn it in til 12pm or 5pm. I have to wait for 2 hours left sometimes to turn in clothes for no reason other than Simon is a sadist. Please turn all Clothing PTJ turn in times to 9am, two hours after you can obtain them. Also please no comments about how this is a necessary setback for Life Productionists. You know, Warriors lose 10% HP on windmill, Archers can miss , Mages have mana evaporation and always need more mana, and finally Life Productionist's PTJ quests make them wanna seppuku alongside their carpal tunnel.