Posted at 10-10-17, 08:12 am Link | #61

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Add me as well, might been in MabiPro for just a week but I'm up for anything plus gonna need friends for those annoying G1 and G2 quests
Posted at 10-10-17, 04:07 pm Link | #62

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IGN is itsmeemikee, prob easy to guess where that inspiration came from. I found Mabipro when I was trying to figure out how to reduce the ping times between myself and Nexons servers. Someone responded on a reddit thread in a snarky way "why don't you just play mabipro if ping is such an issue for you". I googled it and behold here I am. Funny how when I literally googled "mabinogi private server" I couldn't find anything. I'm literally tearing up at how amazingly fast the ping is, it's averaging below 20ms for me and that's like... magic touched.
Posted at 10-12-17, 08:21 am Link | #63

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Hello, my IGN is Mudkip and I found Mabi pro from watching a youtube video. I've been playing live mabi on and off for quite long time. I like Mudkips and think they're the coolest starter pokemon. Upon logging in the game for about 5 mins I met two players who immediately greeted me and they were very nice. I'm liking the server much more because it reminds me of the old community.
Posted at 10-13-17, 08:59 pm Link | #64

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Just started a couple of days ago love the community as everyone had already said reminds me of old mabi. Been playing NA off and on since release but as mabi has changed breaks kept getting longer and longer. Glad i had stumbled into this server. Ign is wolfie211
Posted at 11-13-17, 07:59 am Link | #65

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I used to play NA and currently live in S.Korea. Happy be back in Mabi~~~~~~~~~~~~
Starting todayyy
IGN: Vyvorant
Posted at 11-14-17, 06:45 pm Link | #66

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Hi! I used to play Mabinogi waaay back in like 2008-2009. I started playing actively around the release of Iria and stopped playing around G11. Mabinogi in that state is by far my favorite MMORPG and one of my favorite games ever. I thought I'd see if there were any private servers going, and lo and behold, here is one! Looking forward to making friends with some of you. C:
Posted at 11-14-17, 11:11 pm Link | #67

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hi! i played on na mabi. I stop playing after finishing majority of the content on live.
I enjoyed the old style of gameplay rather then p2w type.
post rev. 1 by Rune on 11-19-17, 05:29 pm
Posted at 11-19-17, 05:25 pm Link | #68

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Hello to everyone. I 1st played Mabinogi in 2016 on the official server for about a few minutes, got annoyed with it cause I wanted to use a controller and then started to try it again recently in just the last month or so using a antimacro set up and have been a bit glued to it.

I just tried this sever last night after seeing it get talked about on the Mabinogi website (not in name mind you) it a few days ago and I seem to like it as well.
Posted at 11-29-17, 03:57 pm Link | #69

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Greetings milletian!
My character name is Andersen, I haven't played Mabinogi since 2008 in the NA server.
Thank you for creating this, hope to have a good game with ya'll.
Posted at 12-01-17, 11:11 am Link | #70

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Hi there! I'm Bianca and I've been a part of the Mabi community since the NA server was in beta. I gradually played less and less after certain updates (mainly Ninja and Gunner). I played on Tarlach server under the name Sandwhale and I was part of the guild Pinnacle for quite a while. I found this server after perusing a bunch of Maplestory legacy servers (I was big into that game back in the day too) and then I got curious, wondering if there was something like a legacy server for Mabi too, and MabiPro popped up, so here I am! I can't even begin to mention how much I missed the old combat system and I'm so happy to see it alive and well on this server.

I'm looking forward to making new friends here and building up a new character all over again! Name's Weatherlight in game and I'm just starting, enjoying abusing the skill reset that Duncan offers hahaha~ Look me up, run a dungeon or two with me, chat about things. I'm friendly and enjoy meeting new people! <3
post rev. 1 by Ceeneon on 12-07-17, 11:18 pm
Posted at 12-07-17, 11:18 pm Link | #71

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Hello! I'm Cee, and I used to play on Tarlach as Neotailz with the guild Katamari. I made a very lengthy post on Reddit about how Nexon betrayed screwed me over false chargebacks, and someone pointed me to this service. Hoping to play every now and then with some friends, and I hope to run into some of you in-game. :'D
Posted at 12-08-17, 01:45 pm Link | #72

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Hello, i'm Cum. As you've noticed within the first few words you can tell I love dank memes. I'm Hersheys or Vulnerable on the Mari server. I've played over 20+ f2p games, and I also was a ex-professional league of legends player in season 3. I really missed the classic mabinogi and decided to play with my old friends about 2 and a half weeks ago.

Nice to meet you all! Please never take me serious with my toxicity/harassment.
post rev. 1 by zerokuroba on 12-18-17, 09:47 am
Posted at 12-18-17, 09:46 am Link | #73

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Heya, I'm Zero! I went and got Mabipro earlier in the year because I wanted to try out Mabi but didn't really like Nexon's whole 'play till you're blind otherwise buy NX' thing so I went around digging for a private server and found this but never really started playing till now. I'm a casual player for now but also really new to this thing so sorry if I don't reply (still tryna work out hotkeys and everything).

Otherwise hope to run into some of you in game (my ign and username are the same).
Posted at 12-20-17, 11:04 am Link | #74

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Hello! I'm eno (my IGN). I played Mabi I think from 2009-2010 and haven't really reached far so I'm very excited on this. I have to say my experience so far is very very good. Thank you so much for putting this up!
Posted at 01-19-18, 08:56 am Link | #75

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Hello, my IGN is Kerberus, I used to play on the Tarlach server as.. Kerberus, since the beta NA days but ended leaving the game after the ninja uptade. A friend actually was the one that actually found the server, but I'm reaaaally glad to find a old-school mabi server ♥

Hope to see you guys around!
Posted at 01-20-18, 03:59 pm Link | #76

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One week old in the Mabinogi. Name's Reina (my IGN) The reason I found this server is because my friend told me something about interesting game unlike most MMORPGs I've played in the past, which involves doing the usual things whatsoever. This is my first time playing Mabinogi... Never played any previous versions before it whatsoever. So i'm completely in the dark when it comes to story or "generations" as most people call it or many mechanics.

Suffice to say... I made friends (asking people about grinding money together sure helps~), it's really easy to find people who are helpful out in the wilds. Maybe with fewer people makes it for such tight-knit community compared to most MMORPGs outside?

I'm enjoying it despite the translation not complete and latency issues I'm experiencing. (Maybe I should remove that "Nagle" thing just someone told me about?) Right now, I'm trying bringing over a friend who played the official thing but never gotten far.

But my overall experience is pretty good for someone who never played an MMORPG for a loooooong time!
Posted at 01-23-18, 01:03 pm Link | #77

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My name's Silberne AKA Dismerized from Ruairi.
I played Mabi back around the start of G3 (so like 08~09?). Always been on and off taking breaks that lasts for months until the Alban Knights update where I stopped playing. Honestly I played more than I thought I did, but I can't seem to remember like 85% of the stuff I did lmao.
My sister told me about MabiPro since she saw me playing Mabi again. Decided to try it out cause I really miss the good old days of Mabi. I'm really enjoying it so far!
Posted at 01-23-18, 02:52 pm Link | #78

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My name's Silberne AKA Dismerized from Ruairi.
I played Mabi back around the start of G3 (so like 08~09?). Always been on and off taking breaks that lasts for months until the Alban Knights update where I stopped playing. Honestly I played more than I thought I did, but I can't seem to remember like 85% of the stuff I did lmao.
My sister told me about MabiPro since she saw me playing Mabi again. Decided to try it out cause I really miss the good old days of Mabi. I'm really enjoying it so far!

oof, welcome Dis
Posted at 02-05-18, 04:43 am Link | #79

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I use to play on the Mari server as Justice or Felosial

I played Mabinogi since the english beta. Unfortunately I quit around G3 then came back on and off again for many years. Most of the people I knew back then have all disappeared. Over a decade trying many games that don't scratch that mabinogi itch. Somehow I came across this on reddit and next thing you know now I am here.

I seen what private servers have done for creating great experiences for older games and I hope I can forge one here too. n_n
Posted at 02-06-18, 12:07 am Link | #80

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Hi! I'm Owlette.

I started playing Mabi right around the time G3 was released on the Mari server. Not long after that, I had created a new account and played as Amaterusu, also on the Mari server. I played religiously until around G12, then on and off until G16ish (I don't remember, that's how little I played during that time). My first guild was Shinradogs and the sense of family I had from that guild is really what I miss the most. We were a small, close-knit guild that did literally everything together until it was disbanded and everyone went their separate ways. I'd really love to find that type of community again.

I found MabiPro right when it came out, tried it out for a bit, then just kind of fell off the map again.
I'm hoping that if I find a good group of active players, that I can rekindle my love for playing Mabi again.

I'm a 22 year old (almost 23) casual gamer and I play anything from Witcher to Slime Rancher and have been playing a kingdom building game called Kingdoms & Castles the most recently. I also play a mobile game called Love Nikki pretty much constantly and even have the Japanese server downloaded as well. Every Friday, I play D&D with a group of irl friends so I won't be playing Mabi on Fridays unless the session gets cancelled. When I'm not on the computer, I like hanging out with friends, going to the movies, concerts, and new restaurants. I'm also a huge fan of staying home and doing nothing. I'm currently trying to learn Japanese in the hopes that I'll be able to travel there someday.

Nice to meet you! Hope we can be friends!

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