Sharp Mind Rank Unlocks (rev. 1 by Anarkist333 on 01-25-18, 04:01 pm)
Posted at 01-25-18, 03:59 pm Link | #1

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This is something that has been rolling around in my head since the earliest days of Mabi live, all the way back in G2 when I started. If Mabi pro is anything at all like my experiences when mabi live growing up, I get the feeling that this same issue may come up.

The skill 'Sharp Mind" is designed as a balance, a means of keeping players on their toes in a fight, to make sure that they pay VERY close attention to the skill bubble of an enemy attacking them. The majority of the time, the skill will fail, especially so at higher levels when dealing with stronger enemies. This means that the player must focus on the bubble itself and how long it loads to know what skill they are loading. If sharp mind is successful, however, this gives you a much faster reaction time to deal with what an enemy is about to do, as you do not have to wait for their skill to load fully to guess what it is going to be. These few extra seconds are VERY valuable, as any advanced player can attest to.

As it stands, the skill itself is said to have no effect on if you are successful according to the wiki. I don't know if this is true, as I don't know if it was ever actually tested. At the same time, I question why it would be a skill in the first place if it did nothing but give you 8 hp. This might be why Mabi live removed it, unless they did so as part of they effort to make the game easier. I disagree with removing it, as it keeps players on their toes and forces them to pay closer attention to the enemies you fight, but I think sharp mind should be a skill that can be ranked, that actually has an effect on the success rate of seeing an enemies skill.

I am almost certain that the success rate is already effected by an enemy's CP value, as I recall almost never seeing an enemy's skill in more advanced shadow missions / dungeons. I don't know how hard it would be to tie the skill to this value, but if the mabi wiki is wrong and it already is tied, then changing the values and adding a few ranks shouldn't be too difficult.

Now, having sharp mind give a high success would be very powerful, so I think the training for it should be very difficult. We don't have to tie it to 'strong, awful, boss' type training since that would make it much harder for those already in the server with high CP, but rather just make the training hard with sheer numbers. You should have to get in a loooot of fights to instinctively know what an enemy is about to hit you with after all, and with this it will naturally get better as you get stronger, much like the Critical hit skill.

As for the success rate itself, what does everyone else think? Calculating chance based on the CP of an enemy is probably how it currently works, so how should the skill change this value?
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 01-25-18, 04:58 pm
Posted at 01-25-18, 04:57 pm Link | #2

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All the way up to total 1.5k+ have I never felt the need for skill to exist
Posted at 01-25-18, 04:58 pm Link | #3

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I agree on this as a part of the small pvping community on this server i feel that sharp mind is a very valuable skill to have in certain missions like BITW and Cleanse when those few seconds really matter
Posted at 01-25-18, 08:42 pm Link | #4

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i'm so glad i ranked sharp mind, so i can envision my futuristic meme dreams
Posted at 01-26-18, 02:47 pm Link | #5

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+25 extra life seems nice at the very least.

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