I think this is a good opportunity to immerse yourself as if it was an actual world.
If anyone has played Recettear, then you'd know that as a simple item shop keeper, Recette isn't actually capable of delving into dungeons and fighting her way through, so she hires adventurers. See if you can find a party, or someone really strong to pay some protection money, or offer other services, like healing or potions you'd make from the gathering, to have them escort you safely through the dungeon. Maybe even letting them take your reward chest in the end could be enough.
This could even work with commerce if the merchant is too weak to fight off the bandits.
I've done said thing about letting them take my end chest reward. After a few several runs of the new dungeons, I walked away with 0 mana herbs (seems they're even rarer their than anywhere else) and only green and sunlights to speak of with a handful of reds. Nothing I needed at all. Doing a few dozen Cair normal later I still didn't walk away with anything other than a few reds and mainly base herbs. I'm at the complete mercy of RNG on what herb room even spawns in. The fact that they went out of the way to make pure 3 BASE herb rooms to be spawn-able in harder dungeons, let alone normals, when they are ALL OVER the world outside, is pure dick move on the original devs part. Sure, ONE or TWO base patches in every other herb room is fine, you need to rank up herb to see said base herbs, but for higher dungeons and full 3s? Why?
I really think that harder dungeons should have set rooms all consisting of, in the final floor of said dungeons, of at LEAST one of x herb. You still have to work to obtain it and it breaths life into some other dungeons in a new way besides end drops. Normal dungeons could tone down the basic herb spawns to just 1-2 per room when they do show up with the rare 3 room being an option too on the easier to speed through dungeons.