Posts: 17
Joined: 03-07-17
Last post: 2211 days
Last view: 1218 days
Okay, 150k/run is kinda broken, but now Rabbie seems pretty under-balanced with the latest update.
For starters, Skeleton fomor scrolls pay out 5,200 gold, while Kobolds (From Rabbie's sister dungeon, Math), pays out 4,100. If you do the math (The calculations, not the dungeon), Kobold scrolls are now significantly more valuable than Skeletons, and the reward is almost the same as Metal Skeletons. It's really a no brainer at this point; Kobolds are easier to kill, and you're sure to face a dozen or so through the first few rooms. Even Goblins are more viable prey at this point, since their scrolls are 3,100 gold/10, and they're just as common, and even easier to handle than Kobolds.
I don't think we should revert Rabbie back to what it was, but I have some things I'd like to suggest.
1) Let us turn in the scrolls in 10s again.
2) Halve the payout for Skeletons, Skeleton Wolves (Which were somehow exempt from the Rabbie rebalance), and *maybe* mimics.
3) I'd consider lowering the payout a bit for Red Skeletons as well, but maybe not so much for Metal Skeletons; they take more commitment to the run, and are significantly harder to kill. You know, make it so that Rabbie is only worth the run by following all the way through with it.
The mindset I have is; the player should have to choose between running Math to get their fomor scrolls/leather drops, or to COMMIT themself to a full Rabbie run for a better reward in terms of fomor scrolls.