Which type of repair system should we use.
Red Coin
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Old System
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Brionac repair rework!
Posted at 02-18-18, 09:58 pm Link | #1

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Hey everyone!

A suggestion to the current ap repair system for the broinac should have a rework.
A cool suggestion is that we should be able to repair the broniac with Red coins.
Since ap is something you cant get back if you repair the broniac.
If we are able to repair our broniac with our red coin to not destroy our stored ap.
Please reply in this forum post to suggest more ways!
Posted at 02-18-18, 09:59 pm Link | #2

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That's not a bad idea. I'd actually use the thing if AP wasn't on the line. Of course the coin cost would have to be high, but it'd be a nice red coin sink.
Posted at 02-18-18, 10:13 pm Link | #3

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Don't really think this should be a thing.

You can get up to 450 AP per rebirth, not including aging, per rebirth. While yes, this is considerably more limited than red coins, I imagine that, if this *were* added, it'd be just as punishing as the AP price, if not more. I'm pretty sure this was added just so that old players had something to throw AP at.
post rev. 1 by Satella on 02-18-18, 10:26 pm
Posted at 02-18-18, 10:26 pm Link | #4

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450 ap is highly unrealistic for most players as that would require getting to level 200 and expl level 25 each rb. it very well is possible with hard work and dedication but most players dont reach that high of a limit. 450 ap is a stretch and a bold standard to set for players. maybe 1% of players even have the possibility to hit that.
Posted at 02-18-18, 10:44 pm Link | #5

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Don't really think this should be a thing.

You can get up to 450 AP per rebirth, not including aging, per rebirth. While yes, this is considerably more limited than red coins, I imagine that, if this *were* added, it'd be just as punishing as the AP price, if not more. I'm pretty sure this was added just so that old players had something to throw AP at.

Interesting stat to claim considering you have an average level of 50 per rebirth
Posted at 02-18-18, 11:39 pm Link | #6

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While I don't think 450 was a good number to toss out I think the point (If I'm reading correctly) still stands that in this version of the game, AP is less valuable than it was in the original game.

I just don't see the point in making the change when it was indirectly made less punishing to use this feature.

Also, I want to play devil's advocate for a second. Hear me out, players get to a point where they stop really needing coins. They end up with more than enough storage pets, they've got enough cash, or a way to get cash that they would not need to gamble it on gacha. The only thing they'd really want to spend it on was if a new pet caught their eye, or they wanted to get a specific dye, so they started rolling on that. My point is that players will eventually begin to rack up coins, meaning they can potentially blow through ranks relying on this method.

That would hurt a lot less than losing the AP you need to rank a skill. But that's the point right? It's supposed to hurt.

I don't really give a fuck, but still I wanted to throw this in. You guys make this shit boring with your fuckin votes.
Posted at 02-19-18, 11:45 pm Link | #7

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the problem is that the brionac can be used to train skills, if you remove THAT feature then im fine with repairing it with red coins.
Posted at 04-04-18, 07:48 pm Link | #8

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Regarding Brionac skill training; it should be noted that you're required to have trained at least 30% of the skill requirement yourself, and you can only use this feature once every 12 real life hours. That being said, I'm all for allowing red coins as an option to repair the brionac, and I'm currently impartial to removing skill training.

If anything, I'd say training with the brionac should cost AP in the moment it's being used.
Posted at 04-13-18, 02:30 am Link | #9

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You'd also have to ask yourself how many red coins would be fair to restore what range of durability. Considering the damage the thing can do during Shock/Demigod...

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