Skills available (rev. 1 by skairunner on 04-14-18, 05:11 pm)
Posted at 04-14-18, 05:08 pm Link | #1

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Hiya! I quit playing Mabinogi just after they had the cooking dungeons and winery stuff. This means my memory of what skills were available back then is a bit fuzzy--the last thing i remember is one of my friends ranking Crash Shot, "possibly the most useless archery skill in the game", up to 1 just because she could.

So the question is, which skills are available in this game? In particular, I'm wondering if the following are in the mabipro version of the game:

Arrow Revolver (I think this one was a thing ever since old, old mabi)
(I am reasonably sure the following were added after I quit)
Urgent Shot
Spell Walk

Edit: Also, is gay marriage possible here
post rev. 3 by Mihoshika on 04-15-18, 12:34 am
Posted at 04-15-18, 12:28 am Link | #2

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You can just look at the wiki, and rollback to ~March 2011.

And yes, gay marriage is possible. Here's the distribution of the marriages on server, provided by Arisa-chan.
Posted at 04-15-18, 12:42 am Link | #3

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Ah, that's a clever method.

And also yesss this is great news, thank you.
Posted at 04-27-18, 12:50 am Link | #4

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You can just look at the wiki, and rollback to ~March 2011.

Could you elaborate at how to do that? It seems insanely useful
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 04-27-18, 10:36 pm
Posted at 04-27-18, 10:36 pm Link | #5
Drahan GM

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You can just look at the wiki, and rollback to ~March 2011.

Could you elaborate at how to do that? It seems insanely useful
Posted at 04-27-18, 10:47 pm Link | #6

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You can just look at the wiki, and rollback to ~March 2011.

Could you elaborate at how to do that? It seems insanely useful

Derp. Ty

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