Extend Treasure Chest Event with Drop table fixed?
Yes Please
17 (80.95%)
No Thnx
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Extend Treasure Chest Event (rev. 1 by Xpressie on 05-04-18, 10:13 pm)
Posted at 05-04-18, 10:09 pm Link | #1

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Hi !

So me and my girl have been playing the event every day for 6+ hours and we have not been rewarded in any way
We have not found anything better then a 2handed sword.
There are way too many npc items in here and not enough event custom items and we dont even know what is in it?
We would love a list for events like these about what u can find, wich would give people more energy to go and play the event.

Im sure that me and alot others in the server would love to have this event extended, its a fun event! but please change drop table/items/chances
All the items that have been found in the whole server was a giant spider hat and a soul searcher sword and only a couple ancient powders.
Most items in the event are normal npc weapons/robes with no extra's at all.

When there is an event that is too rewarding, the drop table gets changed and sometimes that is a good thing to balance things.
But when the event doesn't drop anything at all, it should be checked at aswell and if possible fix drop table for this aswell.

Please extend the event with more custom event items,fashion,weapons,fun things to find!
At the moment there is too many NPC items and not enough event items. It's really bad.

Thanks ! <3
Posted at 05-04-18, 10:14 pm Link | #2

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You're not entitled to good items from an event and I guarantee you haven't been L-Roding for 6+ hours every day. To a relatively new player this event is just fine and even great. The chances for good drops are there, you just didn't get lucky enough. Seriously stop complaining about a free item event. Getting an event two weeks after the last one is already insane.
post rev. 1 by Meorin on 05-04-18, 10:17 pm
Posted at 05-04-18, 10:15 pm Link | #3

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I say yes I agree, there should not be any OP items, just some fashion items to keep the crowd happy tbh.
Posted at 05-04-18, 10:18 pm Link | #4

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I have played L-Rod even more then 6 hours on some days.
Yes its awesome we got an event not long after the other, but this current event is no fun at all for most of the players.
Posted at 05-04-18, 10:23 pm Link | #5

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I also agree, of course not end game items, but atleast more event items like cosmetic stuff/fashion. The GM's might of put items in the drop table but its been made too damn rare through all the npc robe/weapon/items and alchemist stones o.o. Everyday my mounts time get's used up in hope i find somthing other then a Trudy's rain robe ;-; or a broadsword ....or a dagger and most common a leather long bow xD
Posted at 05-04-18, 11:15 pm Link | #6

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I never wanted or suggested that anything game breaking of of tactical advantage be put into the game to break natural progression, but, as a 2 week old here, These items are just... boring? Is that fair to say? I did this event for 3 hours a day and got ONE item that didn't come from an npc shop. Cosmetics are one of my favorite things in mabi, but it's giving us.. elf robes and bear robes?
Even if the weapons were fun colors or have interesting, somewhat useful enchants , or even had a chance to be a slightly higher grade than normal, but it's just NPC stuff.
Sorry if I come across as whiny myself, but I usually love this event, but there's no thrill of discovery in here with anything unique or interesting for the most part. it just feels like a chore, when I could more efficiently buy elf robs and throwaway weapons from an npc shop.
(this is merely giving voice to the things that frustrate me, and I have been having a lot of fun here, just wanted to add my perspective)
Posted at 05-05-18, 07:19 am Link | #7

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Planning events is tough. On one hand, people will be upset if the rewards are bad, because then the event doesn't feel like it is worth doing. A lot of events so far have kind of required you to go out of your way for them, and don't involve typical gameplay as much (such as recent treasure hunting and fishing events). That means that if continuing on with that model, rewards have to feel good to warrant participation. On the other hand, if the rewards are too good, it might feel like you should only be doing that event (see fishing event) for its duration, and it might feel like it trivializes certain items (like how people got upset that you could fish up Dexterity enchants which are otherwise very difficult to get).

Given this, I think the crux of the issue revolves around two major questions to consider when designing the event:

1. Does the event incorporate usual gameplay elements, or make players go out of their way a little? A lot? If players end up focusing a lot of their time on the event, will that be something that is likely to be perceived as fun or burdening?
2. Are the event rewards so good that they eclipse the value of all other gameplay content for the duration of the event, and feel like players are missing out if they don't maximize their participation? Are the rewards so bad that it will feel like the event isn't worth bothering with?

This is highly task dependent; feeling like you have to AFK fish all the time or you are missing out is not fun. Treasure hunting? Kind of fun. But if it felt like I HAD to do it because the rewards were insane, it would stop being fun pretty fast after several hours of grinding. Conversely, something getting random special drops from mobs for a few weeks that you can turn in for rewards is probably fun. It doesn't require you to go out of your way too much and naturally rewards you for gameplay you would have been doing otherwise, so doesn't feel like a chore.

I think there is also a lot of merit to designing events that make you go out of your way and do something that is at a totally different pace compared to normal gameplay because it provides variety. However, these types of events have to be inherently fun and should grant rewards that are worse rather than better so that players do not burn out on the event or feel obligated, and the event remains fun for the duration.

Otherwise, events that give good or very good rewards should typically involve regular gameplay elements and naturally reward the player for what they probably would have been doing anyway, only adding a bit of spice and the chance at some sweet rewards. Another consideration here is to design events where the rewards scale with difficulty of completion. This does not necessarily have to be related to combat. It can be skill at a specific puzzle or task (like fossil restoration) that you could develop over the course of the event. This incentivizes the player to improve and also prevents burnout while rewarding dedicated players.

Mostly, designing good events is about avoiding situations where players feel bad one way or another. You don't want players to feel bad because the event doesn't feel worth it (either the intrinsic or extrinsic rewards don't feel good enough), and you don't want them to feel bad because they burn out on it for being so good (where intrinsic reward is bad, and extrinsic reward is good).

Hope this provides some insight.
Posted at 05-05-18, 02:47 pm Link | #8

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Just some fashionable items put into the drop table would be enough to motivate players a bit more to do the event.

Mabi pretty much just is a dress-up chatting sim for most lol.
Posted at 05-05-18, 11:34 pm Link | #9

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Just some fashionable items put into the drop table would be enough to motivate players a bit more to do the event.

Mabi pretty much just is a dress-up chatting sim for most lol.

Pretty much xd

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