General information | |
Name | VieLassiel |
Total posts | 7 (0.01 per day) |
Total threads | 3 (0.00 per day) |
Joined on | 08-18-21, 03:13 am (1305 days ago) |
Last post |
10-01-21, 05:40 pm (1260 days ago) in Orb timer program alpha version (Mabi General) |
Last view | 12-20-22, 02:20 am (816 days ago) |
Personal information | |
Location | US |
Bio | |
An oldschool Mabi player who has played on and off since beta. Retired from live several years ago due to the game becoming something way different than the original game I fell in love with. Returning because of the oldschool system in Mabipro. |
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