General information | |
Name | Zechuchith |
Total posts | 6 (0.00 per day) |
Total threads | 3 (0.00 per day) |
Joined on | 02-22-17, 10:26 pm (2942 days ago) |
Last post |
05-26-17, 11:48 pm (2849 days ago) in (help) Blacksmith Manuals? (Questions & Help) |
Last view | 02-08-25, 05:10 am (35 days ago) |
Bio | |
Hi, I'm Zechuchith. I'll respond to Zech too. I do ML/AI and spend way too much time studying languages. I played Mabi under a different alias on Mari from the Open Beta to late G1, but mainly played on Tarlach from G2 to almost current Mabi. You'll be able to find me remastering all of the life skills. |
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