Weekly regeneration of seal stones ?
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Should seal breaker titles not be unique ?
Posted at 06-19-17, 12:22 pm Link | #1

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Hello dear milletians,

We all know the eternal fame awarded to seal breakers (well, at least until a server is closed) but we also know the frustration and envy that might come for all other players (especially when seal breakers leave the game). We can remember some asian players coming in mabinogi NA early days just to obtain the seal breaker titles and leave forever. Also, any player who was not there during the very first day(s) the server went live never had a chance to compete for one of these titles.

With the coming of Iria in season 2, DevCat got a good idea in my opinion: make such "unique titles" obtainable periodically which they did with the maiz, longa, karu, rano-connous titles.
Would it be a good idea to give the same treatment to the seal breaker titles ? Regenerate the seal stones once a week ?
Of course, the fact that only one seal breaker title can be obtained per character would remain making it a tough decision to choose what seal to break on your beloved character.

There are pros and cons of course, it's open to discussion.
Posted at 06-19-17, 01:22 pm Link | #2
Drahan GM

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Here's some questionable issues I have with it:

  • If you break a seal stone once, you can always break it again. People will start to camp them.
  • Should the title be removed from old players on regeneration?
    • If so, they receive absolutely no recognition for their times and their "legacy" is destroyed.
    • If not, the title becomes something that all players will eventually have, which destroys the entire purpose of the title (exclusivity).
    • If this happens, people will not even bother to get the title in the first place. These titles do not buff that incredibly well.
  • How often should they regenerate?
    • If it is too often, (and I think weekly is too often) depending on how you answered the above questions, you may get your title removed even quicker than normal and end up having to camp the stone to get it again.
    • If not, you will already have the title and then not even bother with it ever again.

Anyways, these are some issues I have with this idea. Feel free to discuss/answer these problems I raised.
post rev. 1 by redclad on 06-19-17, 02:26 pm
Posted at 06-19-17, 02:15 pm Link | #3

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Well I imagine something similar to maiz, karu and longa titles.
Those can also be camped by a single player but it doesn't seem to happen.
Every previous discoverers keep the title after the ruins have been rediscovered.

I believe this system works well and I can't see any issue with it.

The weekly regeneration was a proposition based on the ruin discovery schedule. It could be monthly (30 days) but I think yearly would be too much considering it wouldn't answer the reasons to make it regenerate in the first place.
Also to avoid the camping on a specific time, there could be some rng involved.

I understand that the main issue with this system is the removal of the fame involved with these titles. Those who get it wouldn't be proud of it anymore and I cannot argue with that (after all, I was proud of my seal breaker title on mabi EU). Yet, I don't know and never saw most of the seal breakers on this server. I can't even tell "whoaaa I know him/her, it's the xxx seal breaker".... so no fame for most of them anyway.

Another solution might be to regenerate the seal stone after a certain time of absence of the seal breaker. This would reward the active players. I don't like this idea though but it's a personal opinion.
Posted at 06-19-17, 04:40 pm Link | #4
Still a casual gamer

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I would be fine with that. Honestly, having your legacy as a seal breaker, is kinda pointless for most long term anyway. There comes a time when most people will quit the game, regardless of their achievements. Over time, their name is all but forgotten. You may see the names by a broken seal, but it's almost never talked about, and you don't exactly see people coming into chats saying 'i know the guy who broke *** seal!' There's also the issue of the fact that, people who break the seals were able to meet some condition, but more importantly were honestly able to just be on at the right time. It's not a major deal for the most part, certainly not something i'm too worried about being remembered for. In live, this mainly consisted of people who knew a new seal would pop up, and would patch their game before the game ever came back online, so that as soon as the game came up they could literally log in and start hitting the stone. It's a joke.

For this server, honestly i'd be cool with one month or so regeneration on seal stones. I personally would let everyone keep their titles, when the seal stones regenerate. It'd be nice that when the seal stone gets broke again though, the game checks to see if the person who got the last hit already. If yes, then it will give the title to someone else who hit the stone. That way one person can't just troll and try to keep other people from getting the titles.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 06-20-17, 02:29 pm Link | #5

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I've never saw 'fame' as part of the seal breaker title. Not once in my life on the Ruairi server, did I think twice about the seal breakers (or even see any) and go "Oh that person's so cool!" Instead I just ran past every Seal that was opened up to do what I wanted to do. At most I'd think "Thanks whoever you are for doing whatever it took to open this." That was only during the early days when I started. After a while I didn't even look at the seal breakers name or even care.

If anything, the only time I cared about who did something was with the discoverer of the dungeon titles or the bridge connecting. Not out of fame either, out of "God damn it! I'm never going to get this damn title."
Posted at 06-20-17, 07:35 pm Link | #6

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For some reason I can't vote.
Posted at 06-21-17, 06:13 am Link | #7
Drahan GM

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For some reason I can't vote.
Your vote was probably registered already. Sometimes it doesn't immediately show up, but refreshing the page would make it obvious.
Posted at 06-21-17, 09:56 am Link | #8

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I've never saw 'fame' as part of the seal breaker title. Not once in my life on the Ruairi server, did I think twice about the seal breakers (or even see any) and go "Oh that person's so cool!" Instead I just ran past every Seal that was opened up to do what I wanted to do. At most I'd think "Thanks whoever you are for doing whatever it took to open this." That was only during the early days when I started. After a while I didn't even look at the seal breakers name or even care.

If anything, the only time I cared about who did something was with the discoverer of the dungeon titles or the bridge connecting. Not out of fame either, out of "God damn it! I'm never going to get this damn title."

I've never considered this aspect.... The fact that the ruins titles can still be obtained makes you pay more attention to them than truly unique titles. (at least for some players apparently)
post rev. 1 by Voz on 03-13-18, 09:40 am
Posted at 03-13-18, 09:28 am Link | #9

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Hello, I know I am basically taking a huge risk by bumping up a very old thread but I feel that this is very necessary to do so I am willing to take that risk.

One of the things I hated about the live servers is that it's basically one-time thing so people often would take this opportunity to break the seal stone title mainly just to use the attention or 'status'. Heck, even one guy glitched himself on Alexina server to be right next to the Tara seal stone RIGHT before G10 came out next day because he really wanted to get the seal stone breaker title which many of us were upset about in Alexina server. Not that I'm saying that anyone actually glitched to break the seal stone titles but from what I have seen... almost everyone who broke the seal stone titles no longer play Mabinogi so why should their name still be on it? Just let everyone have their own chance to break the seal stone everytime it regenerate or so.

Breaking the seal stones also grant you the journal achievement points but it SHOULD NOT be limited to only one person for rest of the game's lifespan. The Iria dungeon ruins already get reset weekly, so why not the seal stones? Are the Fomors (which were responsible for the seal stones) really that weak to the point where seal stones cannot regenerate? Obviously some people would just camp the seal stones in order to get the titles but people do that for the Iria dunngeon ruins already and I personally think it's still better to have unlimited chance to get the seal stone breaker title you really want rather than it being limited to only one time thing.

So yes, I am in a VERY HUGE favor of making the seal stone breakers not being unique anymore and making it regenerate weekly (or even monthly) too.
Posted at 11-26-18, 05:35 am Link | #10

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I really like this idea, but at the same time, one of the biggest appeals of this seal breaker thing, is the person who broke it is remembered for the entirety of the server's life, just like in live. It's kind of like a memorial and represents a time and mindset that is long gone. Like in live, the rush to break the seal, the mindset and understanding of the game was still infantile (at least when it came to the NA side). I personally would love a shot at breaking the seal, but I would rather have the original seal breaker's name stay as a monument.

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