Abyss Guild Recruitment! (rev. 11 by Uzume on 12-16-17, 01:36 am)
Posted at 07-25-17, 07:15 pm Link | #1

Posts: 71
Joined: 04-26-17
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Abyss Guild Recruitment

Leader - Uzuu
Vice leader - Excelsian
Veterans - Loveable, redclad, Olaeria, Kylonith & Elimine

Hi all! Abyss is now recruiting for new members!

Who we are:

We are a large group that consist of both new people and those that have been playing on the Mabi-Pro server for quite a while now and aim to complete harder Mabinogi content. Abyss has friendly players who wish to progress to end game running elite/hard sms and hardmode dungeons. The guild level is currently "Grand" and consists of 51 members.

What dungeons/events are we running?

Weekly Dungeon Runs - Dungeons are polled and there are 3 organised guild runs per week on days decided by each member's availability.
BITW spam - Good EXP/money and more fun to spam with fellow guild members!
Elite SMs - Abyss, as a guild, runs Elite Shadow Missions whenever passes are available, especially when the mission is a daily!
Banquet & Fashion show - most members of Abyss attend both the banquet and the fashion show weekly in order to socialise and get some nice rewards.
Besides these we run all other content and the daily missions
Raffles - Those who help to further the guild are periodically entered into a raffle and have a chance of winning an item from a list of possible rewards.

What have we cleared so far?

- Elite dailies (Cleared SS Elite)
- Renes & Falias
- Peaca basic & Peaca normal:

What services do we have to offer?

-CP gear for all established members of the guild (-500 cp jackal male outfit and -100 cp difficult male suit).
Rank 5 Tailoring services.
Rank 8 blacksmithing services.
Rank 2 enchanting services.
Alchemy services from our very own trusted alchemist (Synthesis, Fragmentation).
Rank 1 Raincaster for production boosts.

Who are we looking for?

Friendly, active and serious players who hope to or already are at end game content. Those who are new to the server are also free to join the guild assuming they either have plans to develop their character to end game. Ultimately how you build your character is your decision, but if you wish we will provide guidance for you. Most importantly, Abyss aims to create a community where veterans and soon-to-be veterans can complete harder content in a fun environment with friends. The only requirement for joining is that you are active and make progress with your character.

Where to find us:


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