Ego repair
Posted at 09-13-17, 04:00 pm Link | #1

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We currently have spirit repair potions which on average repair 8 dura for 60k and we can repair egos with 100 proficiency weapons at 99% success. This system comes from live and I think the main reason weapon repair with max proficiency weapons isn't 100% is to promote the sales of the repair potion, which costs real money. I'd like to ask if we could have the success rate be 100% for 100 proficiency weapons, so that we have the following options for everyone with an ego:

1. Buy the potions so you don't have to invest money into obtaining the weapon (mainly a big problem for the rare weapons), or invest the time to make 100 proficiency weapons.
2. Invest time and cash (albeit less cash depending on weapon purchase value) to make 100 proficiency weapons to repair ego with and to make a spirit liquer

Currently it just feels bad when you use 100 proficiency weapons and it slowly loses it dura, especially since it is one of the few things you don't want to have to replace in the long term, and the fact that it can't be blessed just speeds up the process of losing dura.
post rev. 1 by Geniusenie on 09-13-17, 08:31 pm
Posted at 09-13-17, 08:30 pm Link | #2

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99% doesnt really bother me much, i boost all my weapon stats at once so the will makes the dura up to like 50...ill probably be bored out of my mind by the time i break it that much

also yes, LF>Spirit Liquer of Blessing
Posted at 09-14-17, 04:03 am Link | #3
Drahan GM

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You can obtain Ego Repair Potions legitimately by completing the Boss Collection books.
Posted at 09-14-17, 10:55 pm Link | #4

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can we please just have spirit liquers of blessing? those would be the greatest thing ever and everyone would riot to buy them
post rev. 1 by Cheerio on 11-18-17, 09:38 pm
Posted at 11-18-17, 09:38 pm Link | #5

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Can these be done please?
That 99% repair rate is more like like 90% with my experience on repairing with weapons.
Already lost 5 points max dura.

Has anyone even completed a boss collection book on this server?
Posted at 11-19-17, 09:49 pm Link | #6

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I don't really understand why proffing a weapon and repairing with it, which takes more time, is worse overall in terms of risk.
Posted at 01-10-18, 10:37 pm Link | #7

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I don't really understand why proffing a weapon and repairing with it, which takes more time, is worse overall in terms of risk.
I think its more for the reduced durability loss
Posted at 01-11-18, 02:38 pm Link | #8

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@Drahan we can't even read thr proof of boss kill items. I have 2 and I dont remeber which is from wolf anf which is from black warrior or whatever I killed. Havent found certain info on NA wiki either :/

Reduce the ego dura lill and promote the making and trading of spirit liqueur and 100 prof weapons with it pls
Mabi & Salsa Dance lover
Posted at 01-14-18, 12:00 am Link | #9

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Can we vote on this in Content Poll #5? This was a good QoL improvement in Mabi Live and it would be nice to see it here.

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