Posts: 121
Joined: 03-22-17
Last post: 1424 days
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Okay, first off, I'm going to redo this entire suggestion. Why? Because I just found out some things about Rath Castle music that is completely unforgivable.
First off, let's redo how we do magic music as one of two ways.
1. We need it RNG but we allow for up to THREE effects on a scroll with a min of zero based on rank. As far as I get, we're slowly getting the ability to max these music skills, so suggesting stuff that'll be in the future should be okay. I think we're up to like...rank 5 now for comp? Six? *shrugs* Rank nine gives you a shot at 1, rank six gives you 3, and rank one gives you 3. These three chances at rank 1 are all 70%, increasing your chance of making magic music even more, but not guaranteeing you three on a song. I think that's like a 34% chance for all 3?. What you get is completely random and you can get doubles (Maybe? Might be a bit too much.)
2. This one stems off the above. We get a menu to select what type of three magic musics we want, but each type of music has it's own % and if failed will have a chance to just roll a different music type. Like stat music has a high 75% chance, healing songs have a medium 60% and special music has low 50%, but you still have that 70% chance to do anything in the first place (But in this one it's just a flat 70%, not for each of the 3).
These feel complex and hard to code so idk. Just adding 3 slots to what we have might be enough, idk.
Next, we need to alter the base player music to stop having such high ranges.
Here is an entire suggestion chart.
Rank playing--
Stat boost range--
Edit: Sooo, posting doesn't keep the breaks in the numbers. Great. Going to just put ... in.
1-2, 2-3, 3-5, 4-7, 5-9, 6-12, 8-16, 10-20, 15-25
Everything has a flat fail rate of 20% now instead of just rolling a 0. (I think that's how it works now.)
Here's the one for healing music.
1-2, 1-3, 2-4, 3-5, 3-6, 4-7, 4-8, 5-9, 5-10
I can't seem to find a fail rate for the other magic music, so I'm going to assume it's 50/50 or something.
Peaceful music, now 40% chance to fail instead.
Berserker music stays the same.
Fast Casting maybe buffed (for a reason you'll see just a sec) to 85% (15% increase instead of 10%).
New effect: Fast Action, score scroll labeled as "Swift action+" or "Action speed +"? Decreases load time of all skills (even magic) by 5%. (Does not stack with two playing it) (This sounds complex to make so forget it if it is lol)
Sharp Aiming no longer has to be a still target, and works on targets moving (Why was that ever a thing in the first place?)
New effect: Far Reach, score scroll labeled as "Reach +". Increases Splash range by 50, Swing angle by 20(?), and Splash damage by 10% (This sounds complex to make so forget it if it is lol)
I have almost no real info other than wiki info on taming music so..just going to give it the same buff I'd give taming animals. Mobs tamed continue to follow you through loading zones. You can tame up to two targets max. Scroll use increased to 200 as you're burning through short plays to attempt a tame and 20 was really lackluster for something that's already lackluster and costs 44k from a special npc, or only 15 per in-game day for 500g each. No, seriously, I have never, in my g3 till now mabinogi life, ever seen a soul use this. Have you? Was it legit or just fucking around? I'd love details on how this thing is.
Rath Music changes:
First off, Rath Music can now have extra effects from composing put on, buuuut...I'm not sure if the songs effects should already count as ONE slot or TWO...*shrugs* Up for someone else to decide. Secondly, FUCK THE ONE MINUTE TIME LIMIT ON THIS SHIT. The songs already take MP and SP to use, but only lasting ONE minute? Jesus. Stat song is now sorta useless compared to the other songs imo, and we already don't have all of Rath music. Giving them a limit of at least five minutes would be a thousand times better, or just no limit at all seeing as they drain SP and MP while you play and you'd need to get lucky and, IF they only counted as 1 slot, roll both SP and MP healing music to unlimited play and even THEN some of these would drain it too fast to keep up without a second bard playing those same songs for you.
Side note, does...Roar of the Battle Ground just not cost any SP or MP? It has none listed and I don't have the stats to test it. (Nor do I want to buy a 58k scroll I'm most likely going to burn all the uses on in 3 or 4 missions.)
Welp, that's really all I have. Thoughts, comments, concerns? I have no idea if this is a great idea and I didn't bother to throw in any 'for fun' music like I should.
Also, a non magic music suggestion that someone said was a neat idea. Handicraft recipes for handbells. Probably like, rank 8+ or something late like that, or later. Maybe something like, 1 silver plate, 1 silver ingot, 1 tough string.