Posts: 14
Joined: 01-21-18
Last post: 1942 days
Last view: 910 days
While I don't think 450 was a good number to toss out I think the point (If I'm reading correctly) still stands that in this version of the game, AP is less valuable than it was in the original game.
I just don't see the point in making the change when it was indirectly made less punishing to use this feature.
Also, I want to play devil's advocate for a second. Hear me out, players get to a point where they stop really needing coins. They end up with more than enough storage pets, they've got enough cash, or a way to get cash that they would not need to gamble it on gacha. The only thing they'd really want to spend it on was if a new pet caught their eye, or they wanted to get a specific dye, so they started rolling on that. My point is that players will eventually begin to rack up coins, meaning they can potentially blow through ranks relying on this method.
That would hurt a lot less than losing the AP you need to rank a skill. But that's the point right? It's supposed to hurt.
I don't really give a fuck, but still I wanted to throw this in. You guys make this shit boring with your fuckin votes.