Did some digging after seeing what drahan had to say.
Quote from s29 of mabimods.
"WS2MintUnQueue (Windows Socket 2 Mint Unqueuer) is a special mod that I've found months ago. I was skeptical on how powerful this mod might be for the community. What this mod does is removes your limitation of outgoing actions to the server, thus allowing you to have a bit more control of your character beyond the limitation of networking latency, for this mod to work effectively you must be close to the server's location. For Mabinogi North America the servers are located in California. So if you live in that state you get the most beneficial effect for this modification. After much consideration regarding on should this modification be public we've decided that it is within safe bounds to release it. As always, be cautious"
I don't know much about the technical aspects of networking. Tests and visible results, i can do and see, but the hows and whys, i can't really say much, so i'll just watch now.
Can you link this thread? I'd like to download/install this mod or whatever it is
Sorry, nope. I'll tell you it's in the abyss thread, posted feb 2nd, and that's the most i'll do. I wouldn't expect much out of it, if you're not a coder though. This is part of abyss itself, the version discussed anyway. I wouldn't expect it to work with this version of mabi. It won't take much digging to find the source, do that and you can decide who you think you should contact if you want a working version for mabi pro. I make no promises they'll help, or even that they'll even be nice to you though. I'm afraid that's just how life works sometimes.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079