Update: The maintenance has been completed at 10:11AM 06/11/18 EST.
All servers are running normally.
Please update your client.
Thank you for your patience.
Dear Milletians,
Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
09:10AM 06/11/18 to
11:10AM 06/11/18 (EST)
- An incorrect notice message from Magical Music has been fixed.
- Fixed Ore Stacking to 50.
- Increased durability for Magical Music scrolls from Briana.
- Repaired a broken AI.
- "Nao's Smile" Song now directly adds HP/MP/SP instead of adding to regeneration rates.
- Enthralling Performance can now be used with singing.
- Some shops and fishing tables were adjusted.
- Fixed Re:Zero Giant meshes.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
-MabiPro Staff