Red Dragon and Desert Dragon
Posted at 08-14-18, 11:40 am Link | #1

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I remember on live, the Red Dragon and Desert Dragon would only spawn on Mondays / Wednesdays up until some update changed it to twice daily.

Is this server before or after that update? or have any custom changes been done on boss spawn times? Thanks!
Posted at 08-14-18, 08:51 pm Link | #2

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Before. Making a boss tracker is pretty difficult for our server, so it's never clear when they'll spawn as far as I know. Hope this helps.
post rev. 2 by Radiance on 08-14-18, 11:20 pm
Posted at 08-14-18, 11:16 pm Link | #3

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Why is it more difficult to track compared to live?
Posted at 08-15-18, 12:12 am Link | #4
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Why is it more difficult to track compared to live?

As i recall, it's due to the difference in live now, versus the setup for our gen. Atm, live has preset times. During our gen, after maint the times were a rough preset i think. However, the next spawn for the boss, is determined by when you actually kill the boss. So the longer you go without maint, the bigger the variation in times you would see the boss will be. It may be after maint, a boss will spawn at 3 pm eastern, but a week later with no maint, you're seeing the boss spawn at 6 pm eastern.

All this is just roughly off memory though, i don't honestly remember the finer points.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
post rev. 1 by Radiance on 08-15-18, 12:48 pm
Posted at 08-15-18, 12:46 pm Link | #5

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I see, thanks for the help.

I used ( to find the old dragon spawn times, so just in case anyone is else is looking I will copy/paste all info on them here.

Desert Dragon:

Spawns once weekly in all channels simultaneously, on Wednesday night between 6 PM and midnight server time.
Successfully sketching it nets you 1,200 Exploration EXP (+250 if it is nighttime).
It only spawned on the Sheep Landmark in northern Muyu Desert during the three Desert Dragon Summoning Events.


Run out of the way on a mount if it starts to fly up, because it's going to use its Fireball or Flight Stomp.
Also run if it opens its mouth, because it is going to use Stone Breath, which petrifies you.
Try to keep to the left or right side of the dragon in case it uses Dragon Dash Attack.
Using Windmill increases the risk of it using Dragon Dash Attack.
Use an obstacle to dodge attacks.
It may try to escape by flying away. Peaceful Magical Music should remedy this.

Red Dragon:

Spawns once a week simultaneously in all channels, on Monday night between 6 PM and midnight server time.
Successfully sketching it gets you 1,200 Exploration EXP.


Strongest dragon in terms of damage. In fact, it is the strongest monster; it can hit over 10,000 damage without a Critical Hit.
Spawn area is a no flight zone.
Has multiple places to target for attack (Head, Chest, Wings, Feet and Tail). Some of its attacks will be temporarily unusable based on which area was targeted.
Weather will change when it is going to use Rain of Thunder or Meteor. Attacking its wings triggers this.
Dragon Fear will halve your Mana and Stamina and cancels pet summons.
It uses Tail Attack faster than rank 9 Windmill; this attack has twice the stun time of other dragons' Tail Attack.
It usually Stampedes after it lands from doing Meteor.
The Dragon will only hang around for 30 minutes before leaving if it hasn't been killed.
As of the 2/22/10 update, the Red Dragon's AI has been completely redone. It is now much harder to kill; Windmill does not cancel its skills, and it attacks much more frequently with almost no grace periods between attacks.
Traditional strategies don't work as well.
If you only have a few people with you, it is recommended to attack the chest area. This way, you are too close for it to use breath attacks, and the tail doesn't hit you as often.
Dig a hole using Stomp or Land Maker to avoid its Meteor or Rain of Thunder attack.
Posted at 08-15-18, 09:58 pm Link | #6

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That desert dragon spawn information is incorrect, since it spawns on those mountains here at a different mark than sheep mark (sun mark? forgot which 1 it was). That info you got from is probably from after it was changed.
Posted at 08-15-18, 10:24 pm Link | #7

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"It only spawned on the Sheep Landmark in northern Muyu Desert during the three Desert Dragon Summoning Events." Is making reference to the fact that during a specific event, the Desert Dragon only spawned on the Sheep Mark. It's not saying it normally spawns there. It spawns near Kaypi Canyon on two desert plateaus, one with a sun mark on it.

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