Halloween event idea
Posted at 08-21-18, 08:45 pm Link | #1

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Now, before I even start, this is just an idea to be picked apart. I know NOTHING about what can and cannot be done, and this is just an idea I've had for a long time now even since before mabi pro.

The idea is a board game like dungeon with rooms with set encounters and waves. Once a room is finished, a 'roll' is made and the party (idk how many) is moved along to the next room. I don't think a UI for a board is in this version of mabi from older events (as I think those came later) so it would either work in that you would have no idea where you were regarding the end of the dungeon, or you'd do 10 rooms and each number represented a different encounter for each room along the way?

The idea stems from that old event on Live where you were in a haunted house, but this time you're pretty much being played with by some spirits for this game. Obviously the mobs should mainly be spooky themed, peaca mobs but much weaker and such + things that would make players go "OH GOD NO" like bomb mobs.

Any ideas to add to this or know what can and cannot be done?
Posted at 08-21-18, 08:50 pm Link | #2

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I love that this eliminates dungeon hallways. No more horse riding simulator.

I remember the haunted house event on live and I loved it. I wonder if they can import it. Because if the GMs are able to do something with it, I already have suggestions. I just need to know what we're able to do first so I'm gonna wait for some replies :>
Posted at 08-21-18, 10:14 pm Link | #3

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I love that this eliminates dungeon hallways. No more horse riding simulator.

I remember the haunted house event on live and I loved it. I wonder if they can import it. Because if the GMs are able to do something with it, I already have suggestions. I just need to know what we're able to do first so I'm gonna wait for some replies :>

I'd love to see it next Halloween (or even this one), I was just thinking of a completely custom event for it. That said, both should use the music from the one from live that you linked in the discord. I forgot how fantastic it was.
Posted at 08-22-18, 05:23 am Link | #4

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Don't quote me but I think Astra said he had the entire haunted house mapset ready to port over if needed. Not really going anywhere with that info, just thought I'd mention it for others to know~
IGN: Juuichi
Posted at 08-23-18, 05:18 am Link | #5
Drahan GM

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Don't quote me but I think Astra said he had the entire haunted house mapset ready to port over if needed. Not really going anywhere with that info, just thought I'd mention it for others to know~

This is true, however implementing the same system is rather difficult.
Posted at 08-23-18, 02:56 pm Link | #6

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For anyone who wants some context on the Mabinogi halloween event:

The cutscene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AULXrIhmFA

The login screen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dY1pF4obWk&t=124s

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