Build Ideas
Posted at 03-17-17, 04:05 am Link | #1

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Hi there everyone!

I am still pretty new to not only this server but also to G13 (I started playing ~G17 on live). What sorts of builds work in this gen? I know for basic builds humans/giants warriors are good, and for mages human/elves are good, and for archery elves are good, plus alchemy is good for every race. However, what sorts of combinations of builds or particular select skills from different builds can be used together to make a fun and effective build here? For example, I am a human, and I plan to go into warrior. What sorts of things would compliment that beyond just close combat skills? That sort of thing!

Posted at 03-17-17, 10:51 am Link | #2
Still a casual gamer

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Complimenting is about versatility and survival normally. As a giant, i get shieldless charge, which is a big deal to me. A fairly effective setup, until you hit something with heavy stander, would be having smash, critical hit, *weapon mastery, combat mastery, assault slash, lightning or icebolt, and probably thunder, at least partially, all ranked. Magic mastery and lightning mastery may go with it to support that. This will enable a basic, but powerful, combo of smash, delayed assault slash, smash, counter, ice/lightning bolt, counter, assault slash, then repeat from the second smash part.

Ranking lightning bolt a few times will increase the cast speed, assault slash increases the distance. The passives are a bit obvious. Thunder will be good for rafting, should you ever do it, as well as offering a wonderful support for both your party, and lack of a powerful aoe and/or an actual good ranged attack in that build. You may substitute thunder for a ranged attack if you want, just make sure to build on your actual dex if you do, and be prepared for misses.

It primarily boils down to how you want to play, what kind of things you intend to do, and how early you want to try to push into harder content. Bear in mind, a lot of g9+ story content, is based on your total level in terms of difficulty, and you only get free skill resets up to 100. That is important for easily training windmill and refine. So balance your training with your progress if you don't want a rather difficult story.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-17-17, 03:07 pm Link | #3

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This is so incredibly helpful, thank you! Would you also recommend magic over the use of alchemy? Also, is refining important to acquire even if I don't do archery?
Posted at 03-17-17, 03:50 pm Link | #4
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Know that refining, will require fails at r2, you literally can not finish it without fails. Higher dex, means less fails basically. If you don't go archer, you may not need refine, but dex also affects balance, which is important for melee. If you let your dex get to 100+, and haven't touched refine yet, then decide you want to do refine, you may find yourself hunting a lot of -dex enchants, and spending a lot of time on the skill. So it's really going to be up to you, if you truly think you need it.

Magic vs alchemy, will be more of a personal preference. I lean more towards magic myself.
Alchemy is known for its utility over raw damage normally. You have to keep crystals on you to do alchemy, and this is before the alchemy renovation, so there's more than the 4 basic fire, water, wind, and earth crystals that live uses. If you can dedicate time to keeping the crystals, or money if you find sellers, you may find more use for alchemy than magic. If you just want damage though, and aren't too worried about various situations, magic will serve you better. You'll have to deal with wand repairs and mp pots probably, but the upkeep itself is simpler than alchemy.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-17-17, 06:19 pm Link | #5

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Ahh okay I see now, seriously thank you again! You've been a life saver!

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