Posts: 53 Joined: 07-24-17
Last post: 1293 days
Last view: 125 days
Rather than make users download Cheat Engine to use my previous mods, I've decided to move away from that and create my own memory patcher forked from the base patcher Fantasia. This patcher includes all the old mods from the cheat engine table as well as mods from Astral, and will be supporting mods that will be implemented in the future.
Currently, nao revives are bugged with alarms. If alarms are enabled in the .ini, visually it'll always say you have 5 nao revives available. By default everything is disabled. Enable the mods in the .ini or in the in-game menu.
AstralWorld v2.17 (09/25/2021):
Comes with a client menu to toggle mods by right clicking the mabinogi window
Installation Guide
1. Unzip files
2. Drag contents of the .zip into the MabiPro folder and replace files.
3. Configure the astral.ini however you'd like to enable the mods you want or do it in game.
- Client menu available to toggle mods below upon right-clicking the Mabinogi window
- Disable Data Folder Usage (By default MabiPro already has it turned on)
- Reduce the level of CPU usage via client menu
- Clear fog of war on dungeon minimaps
- Cause daylight appearance between the hours of 18:00 and 4:00
- Enable coloring of ALT names based on character type
- Enable opening the right-click menu on your own character
- Increase the size of the in-game clock text (Can cause cut-off text)
- Modify the maximum zoom distance (1~50000 range set in .ini)
- Remove the 30-second login delay after disconnecting from the server
- Modify the quality of screenshots
- Show combat power numerically
- Shows the percentage towards your next exploration level in the character window
- Show the shop purchase and selling price in item descriptions
- Show item durability with 1000x precision
- Show item color codes
- Show food quality numerically
- Allow conversation with unequipped spirit weapons
- Enable CTRL-targeting props while in combat mode
- Use bitmap fonts instead of vector fonts to prevent window lag
- Enable Elf Lag Fix
- Show Negative HP
- Show Negative Stats
- Show Clock Minutes
- No Mount Timeout
- No Channel Penalty Msg
- No Channel Move Denial
- Enable Cutscene Skip
- Target Resting Enemies (Mimics, Sulfur Golems, Flying Books, Watermelons..)
- Display Names From Far away
- Disable Sunlight Glare
- Disable Gray Fog
- Party Board To Housing
- Show Simple/Detailed FPS
- Set Item Split Quantity
- Default Ranged Swap
- Uncap Auto-Production
- Modify Render Distance (5000~100000 range set in .ini)
- Far Range Throwing Dice
- Prevent Character snapback when Alchemy Golem out-of-range (You still teleport back to the character though)
- Disable Screen Shake
- Enable Naked Mode (Headless/Cloth-less on all body renders) (You still keep undergarments)
- Disable Cloud Rendering
- Show MAX HP of Entities with ALT-keypress
- Set Thread Priority of Client
- Show Poison Durability in weapon tooltip
- Show True HP
- Create alarms based on in-game time
- Disable flashy dye effects
- Enable NPC/monster equip view
- Enable Minimap Zoom on all maps
- Swap regular attacks with a skill
- Custom console commands
- Enables TTF files to use
- Allows you to modify font size
- Faster Opening/Closing of Windows
- Reveals things that go in hide (i.e. elves)
- Allows you to view personal shops from a distance
- Shows quest objectives not yet revealed
- Reveals the hidden skill requirements to train the skill
- Reveals skill requirements that have yet to be unlocked
- Reveals all the titles in the title list
- Immediately brings up the text conversation instead of trying to render it letter-by-letter
- Prevents open windows from closing when talking to an NPC
- Warns drop on all items as opposed to expensive items over 10,000 if enabled in game options
- Disables night time as well as having the option to make it permanently night time
Current in-game commands:
.help or .h - displays available commands
.reload or .r - reloads all patches
.ping or .p - displays 'pong' back
.swap or .s - (currently) tells you the Skill ID you swapped combat mastery with
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.17
- Replaced 'DisableNighttime' with 'SetSkyTime'. Comes with the 3 different options for numbers to input for 'SetSkyTime' in the astral.ini file:
0 = Sets the time to normal
1 = Disable night time and keeps the day cycle on
2 = Sets the time to always be night
- Added 'RemoveBlacklistButton'. Removes the blacklist button when you right click someone.
- Added 'WarnDropOnAllItems'. Warns drop on all items as opposed to expensive items over 10,000 if enabled in game options.
- Added 'InstantConversation'. Immediately brings up the text conversation instead of trying to render it letter-by-letter.
- Added 'NoWindowCloseOnTalk'. Prevents open windows from closing when talking to an NPC.
- Added 'ShowUnknownQuestObjectives'. Shows quest objectives not yet revealed.
- Added 'ShowUnknownSkillRequirements'. Reveals the hidden skill requirements to train the skill.
- Added 'ShowUnknownUpgrades'. Reveals skill requirements that have yet to be unlocked.
- Added 'ShowUnknownTitles'. Reveals all the titles in the title list.
- Fixed astral.ini not being read and astralworld_patchlog.txt not being produced.
- Fixed 'EnterRemoteShop'. This allows you to view personal shops from a distance.
- Added 'ShowObjectsInHide' in .ini and in-game menu. Reveals things that go in hide such as elves.
- Fixed an issue with font size not saving to .ini properly
- Added 'FasterInterfaceWindows' in .ini and in-game menu. Disables animations whenever pleione windows open or close.
- Added 'EnableTTF ' in .ini and in-game menu. Enables the usage of using .ttf files inside your data>gfx>font folder directory. Make sure for the TTF file you wish to use, rename it to japanese.ttf.
- Added 'ModifyFontSize' in .ini and as an in-game menu option. Changes the font size to whatever you set it to in the in-game menu or in the .ini. Ultimately it has a min of size 1 and max of 30 in the .ini and the in-game menu has options listed from 10 to 20 in increments of 2. To note, the game's default font size has always been 11. Note: TTF will not work with bitmap enabled. Please disable bitmap font if you wish to use your font. Font size does not affect bitmap font.
- Added 'UserCommands' in .ini and in-game menu. For a full list of commands, see spoiler above. More commands to come later.
- Fixed an issue with some equips not displaying their stats properly.
- Changed command prefix from / to .
- Fixed a bug with inputted capital letters being converted to lowercase
- Added 'CombatMasterySwap' in .ini and in-game menu. To set the skill to swap basic combat with, see the .ini with the CombatMasterySwap field. If you want to swap to a different skill while in-game, just use the reload .ini option in the in-game menu.
- Extended Durability/Color code to display on all other items such as fixed dyes
- Added 'EnableMinimapZoom' in .ini and in-game menu. Enables minimap zoom on all maps.
- Added 'EnableNPCEquipView' in .ini and in-game menu. Enables you to view equipment of monsters and NPCs.
- Should properly disable all flashies now.
- Added 'DisableFlashyDye' in .ini and in-game menu. Disables flashy equips (haven't thoroughly tested if it covers all flashies).
- Finally added 'Show Max HP' option in .ini and in-game menu. This will either turn off or turn on the max hp display when pressing ALT.
- Imported an Alarm feature from noginogi-party. See .ini for details on how to configure alarms (9 different displays as well). Credits to Sokcuri.
- Added a reload .ini option in the in-game menu. This is helpful for reloading settings, including alarms configured during game execution.
- Added 'ShowItemID' in .ini and in-game menu. Upon hovering an item, the item ID will be displayed as well.
- Added 'ShowTrueHP' in .ini and in-game menu. This might be weird to explain but according to Drahan, there's a bug that has existed since G4 where your HP has this weird tendency to regenerate beyond your HP limit. Sometimes when you get hit or use windmill, you'll see your HP doesn't go down and this is due to the hidden HP not being shown. By enabling this mod, you can see where your current true HP lies with this bug. Note that using a potion resets the current HP back its proper limit, but will begin regenerating again.
- Switched to mss32.dll proxying due to new update
- Mod properly writes and deletes to astral_patchlog.txt instead of ijl15_patchlog.txt
- Fixed Elf Lag Fix not being enabled properly
- Added 'ShowPoisonDurability' option in .ini as well as the client menu
- Added back some changes from v1.10.1 that were accidentally removed in v1.11
- Added 'WaitMenuHook' setting in .ini that allows you to tell the patcher to wait for a certain number of milliseconds before trying to hook to client. By default its 20000 milliseconds, or 20 seconds.
- Added 'SetThreadPriority' setting in .ini that allows you to set the base priority of the client thread. Setting available in the mod menu.
- Added MAX HP display to ALT-keypress of character names
- Added 'EVEN' CP level when CP is similar to user
- Added 'NAME' tag to player name during ALT-keypress
- Fixed 'UseDataFolder' looking to be read in .ini
- Changed enemy ALT name coloring to neon purple
- Closed space between name 'MAX HP'
- Added 'EnableNakedMode' (Headless/Cloth-less on all body renders) (You still keep undergarments)
- Added 'DisableCloudRender'
- Removed 'NoCancelManaShield'
- Fixed items/guild names to properly display from afar
- Added default option to mod menu to keep rendering distance how it normally is in-game
- Added 'No Cancel Mana Shield' to mod menu. It prevents mana shield from cancelling even when out of mana (You still take damage normally at MP 0)
- Added Far Range Throwing Dice (Can only be activated via client menu upon right clicking the mabinogi window under Gameplay mod tab)
- Added StayAsAlchemyGolem (Prevent Character snapback when Alchemy Golem out-of-range) (You still teleport back to character though)
- Added Disable Screen Shake
- Added version number in the patchlog
- Fixed a bug with saving settings to .ini from the client menu resulted in having a render distance of 1 saved to ModifyRenderDistance
- Added Render Distance Mod. Client menu options are 5k, 10k, 25k, 50k, 75k, 100k viewing distance. Default is set to 10k in the .ini.
- Fixed crashing upon encountering a sulfur golem/watermelon2/flying book.
- Fixed swapping back to ranged attack as well as crash shot not indicating that it's been swapped to that.
- Added Ranged Swap
- Added Uncap Auto-Production
- Fixed Modify Zoom Limit. Apparently Blade's Astral never had that working in the first place. From here on, there will not be menu options to modify the zoom limit through the client. You may set the zoom limit you prefer in the .ini. By default, I set it to the max, which is 50000.
- Fixed crashing relating to Modify Zoom Limit. Default .ini value for ModifyZoomLimit set to 15000. Note that this mod should only affect outdoor/dungeon camera. Indoors should still stay the same..
- Fixed error window coming up on game startup. In-game menu (The mod menu you see when you right-click the mabinogi window) will attach 30 seconds after client start to accommodate for slow computers.
- Fixed 30k flight altitudes in tara/tail/abb neagh.
Known Bugs
- Negative stats interfere with damage-related stat calculations in character window (crit, magic attack, etc.)
- Alarm breaks the count for nao support used
Broken Features:
- MoveWhileTalking
Spr33 - Fantasia
Chris & Syoka - Creators of the IJL Patch
Cursey & Contributors - For many of the patches inspired from Kanan
Serge - MNG patches
Kotarou - Jap patches
Special thanks to Blade3575, though he didn't directly aid in AstralWorld, the additional patches he made to Fantasia to get it to work for MabiPro were disassembled from Astral and without it, AstralWorld would've taken much longer to flesh out.
In the changelog mentioned above you put the max view distance as 50,000 instead of 5,000. And thank you so much for making it work I've been missing it!
In the changelog mentioned above you put the max view distance as 50,000 instead of 5,000. And thank you so much for making it work I've been missing it!
No problem, I changed up the .ini to be set at 15000 instead, I doubt anyone would need 50k of viewing distance.
Also to note, this should only affect outdoor/dungeon camera, indoors should be how it normally is.
In the changelog mentioned above you put the max view distance as 50,000 instead of 5,000. And thank you so much for making it work I've been missing it!
No problem, I changed up the .ini to be set at 15000 instead, I doubt anyone would need 50k of viewing distance.
Also to note, this should only affect outdoor/dungeon camera, indoors should be how it normally is.