Extra Inventory Space with Production Brownies (rev. 8 by NaBrO on 11-25-18, 04:40 am)
Posted at 11-25-18, 04:12 am Link | #1

Posts: 18
Joined: 05-21-17
Last post: 2286 days
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Hi everyone, Lit here. I used this trick a lot both in Live Mabinogi and in MabiPro. Essentially you can store 600 ores, herbs, leathers etc. in a 1x2 space.

You must own a house.
You must pay a small fee per Brownie hired.

1. Start in the housing zone - talk to the Residential Manager

2. Select Resident Menu, then Brownie Employment. All Brownies have the same storage space so hire the cheapest one, 10k.

3. You should get a 1x2 Brownie Placard. Note it expires in a few hours. You don't lose anything with expiration except the ability to put more stuff into the Brownie inventory.

4. Take the Brownie Placard to your house, put it in your housing inventory, and right click select open production window

5. You should open up an interface with 6 slots. Each slot holds 100 of any of the same material.

6. Feel free to add and remove materials up until the time limit when the Brownie Placard expires. After that, you may only take out materials. When finished, you can either keep the placard in your inventory or put it in your bank.

*Note that you can only ever open the Brownie Placard inventory when it is placed into a house inventory, so if the MabiPro server loses all housing for a while due to no Guild building a housing zone, remember to take out everything so it is still accessible.

Happy lifeskilling everyone :-)

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