Personal Shop Prices
Posted at 03-05-19, 02:19 am Link | #1

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Joined: 03-03-19
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I have no idea what the price of anything is on Mabipro, so I'm unsure of how much to try selling items for in a personal shop, or if I'm better off selling to an NPC. For instance, what do the different types of leather go for per stack? Are there any particular items that are almost always in demand that are worth it to grind a little to collect them? What items are you looking to buy specifically? Feedback is much appreciated.
Posted at 03-07-19, 04:22 am Link | #2

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Sell me thin thread, all of it. 5K per stack I don't really know what the going rate is for it but I want it all if you want to make it for me. If you want to just sell me the cobwebs ill take those for 3K per 50.
Posted at 03-13-19, 01:45 pm Link | #3

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Joined: 07-30-17
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Prices are something you really have to guess-and-check on for the most part. Since the server is so small the prices of things fluctuate quite a bit. A few things like holy water and red coins are in high demand so they'll have a static cost (4-5k per red coin, 20-25k per stack of HW) but everything else is pretty variable depending on who's ranking what and how much they're willing to pay for mats. If you're not sure about the price of something, sell it slightly higher than you think it is worth and lower the price over time. Other than that patience is the key to any sale, since again the server is pretty small compared to live.

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