Full color Visual Chat support (rev. 1 by Drahan on 03-10-19, 08:57 am)
Posted at 03-10-19, 08:46 am Link | #1
Drahan GM

Posts: 2147
Joined: 02-06-17
Last post: 392 days
Last view: 16 days

A new beta HA node command ">vc" has been added. This command allows you to send full color visual chats to other users ingame.
Since the client will not load these visual chats, you must upload the images to a image host like Imgur.

What works:
* Full color - images support full 256 bit color.
* Opacity - images support full transparency and even variable opacity.
* Automatic image resizing - images larger than 256x96 will be resized to 256x96 automatically.
* PNG loading

What doesn't work and will probably never work:
* Saving images
* User signature (all images are signed by Drahan when using this command)

What doesn't work but is supposed to work:
* Images larger than 32kb in size. 32KB is just under the average file size for resized images so some images fail... a lot.
* Error handling - actually, it works, it's just done wrong right now. You get kicked when an error occurs, and since this feature is still beta.
* HTTPS loading on Vier node - Vier fails all HTTPS requests due to some configuration issues, but will be fixed soon.
* Most JPGs and other file formats that aren't PNG.

Example of how to use it:

We recommend using Imgur to host images, and use PNG file format as it is the best supported.

This feature is currently a work in progress. It is not perfect, and it is extremely finicky about what images you use and where they are hosted; additionally being kicked every time an error occurs is pretty problematic as well.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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