shorten rebirth cycle
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please shorten rebirth cycle
Posted at 04-06-19, 02:17 pm Link | #1

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for early gamers two weeks is too boring to wait

early game players have to be stuck around tir chonaill since they are too weak to do anything

faster character growth is necessary to enjoy mabi's huge contents
post rev. 1 by Alistine on 04-07-19, 03:07 am
Posted at 04-07-19, 03:07 am Link | #2

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If you're below level 100 which you will be for your first life you can continuously reset your skills if you run out of AP, that said I think ranking windmill will take up the majority if your first real rebirth after you choose warrior destiny. After that we're all in the same bucket together where your strength comes from how well you use your time rather than how much of it you spend.

Asking to allow faster rebirths is not only unfair to everyone who has already been playing on the clock the way it is, it also is counterproductive to the original idea that growth is supposed to be steady and measured as you rank skills and collect gear.

If you're bored then find something to do. Join a guild and make new friends or connections, make an enchant table and work towards gathering the scrolls, find an item or item set you're interested in and scope out where it drops from, or just farm gold and red coins for pets items and repairs. There's always something to do even if that something isn't power leveling and skill training.
Posted at 05-15-19, 10:21 pm Link | #3
Darth Johny

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You can always lvl up to your target level and then go play something else while you wait P:
Posted at 07-15-19, 04:03 pm Link | #4

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You don't need to rebirth when you can spend that time ranking all your skills after resetting. I ended up ranking everything close to rank 1 before I hit level 100, all I need to do now is grind for the AP.
Posted at 07-16-19, 10:04 am Link | #5

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Truth. Unlimited skill resets pre-100 allows for a very interesting period to take advantage of whatever initial AP you can farm. You don't have to retrain any rank you already attained, so you can isolate skills and get the training out of the way, even if it's something you plan on picking up hundreds of AP down the line. And of course you can work on life skills like Refining right off the bat, except once you get to a new rank you can reset and go do something else. It's hecc of nice.
Posted at 03-13-20, 05:12 am Link | #6

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I completely disagree even more o from the start of the game I'm sorry but the 90 I started out with isn't going to last making friends sure but what do you think we are doing to do with once we run out of ap around like 140 150 in the first few weeks unless people want to power lvl up we will run out of skills to lvl and i'm sorry befor we can "play" the game we need to be able to do basics stuff first

if you want to keep the 2 week RB system it might be a good idea to sell skill reset caps in the red coin store so if people want keep grinding out skills they can
Posted at 03-24-20, 09:47 pm Link | #7

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you can genuinely do a ridiculous amount of content during pre-total-100. shortening rebirth time is absolutely unnecessary.

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