WIP about Alchemy (rev. 4 by Slayerj on 07-12-19, 01:36 pm)
Posted at 07-06-19, 01:19 am Link | #1

Posts: 121
Joined: 03-22-17
Last post: 1424 days
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I'm here today to propose a revamp to alchemy, not in the vein(Thank you Asker!) of direct damage increases, but more in line with what Alchemy FEELS like, if that makes any since. Something you can look at and go, "Yeah, that's alchemy."

To start things off I must say, pretty much nothing here is doable without our Mabi Code Lord and savior, Kammy. Nothing here is set in stone and I would love people to point things out and suggest changes and such to help iron this suggestion out (with credit being given where it belongs). I really hope some great alchemist can share their wonderful wisdom as well as the everyday alchemist man, as everyone deserves a say and to shed light on their view points of the skill set.

Bellow are my Proposed changes to Alchemy.

Cylinder Changes:

Skill Changes:

Please, if you have any ideas whatsoever, please suggest them here and, with enough agreement in the comments, credit will be given as the post is updated. I'm not the best at alchemy and I know my ideas are often wild and completely out there but I love this skillset but often find it very lacking outside of flame burst spam... Let's make Alchemy more interesting together.

Edit: Come on guys, this thread isn't meant to just look at the ideas I've put here and think on those, it's meant for these ideas, your own, and others, to be expanded upon, thought up, posted, anything. Everyone has a voice. I won't name who, but one person I've shown this enjoyed the ideas above in the general feel they said it gave off for alchemy. They felt however, they had little room to speak because, while being an alchemist, they had not enough playtime behind it or in general to say anything. I'm here to say, say ANYTHING. You play this game, your words matter.

Idea Edit 1: (Credit: Cj)

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