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nahh go git good
5 (35.71%)
yeaa 5mins isnt worth 20 coins
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Tendering Pots.
Posted at 03-23-17, 04:02 pm Link | #1

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Current tendering pots that was released into coin shop for 20 red coins last night are the 5min version.. can we get the 36mins instead please?
Posted at 03-23-17, 04:26 pm Link | #2

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You're supposed to NOT rely on the tendering pot as a source for -CP.

There are -CP gears and it's rare, there's other training site that does the same job; albeit slower, etc.
If you're struggling to stay below the threshold, you should've played better or simply give it up and go elsewhere.
I didn't complain when I can't train at zombie, I still made it to r1 WM (though having to kill lions for BOSS isn't optimal). Do shadow missions, run other things, whatever you see fit.

No comments on the pricing, I don't agree or disagree with it, that's for other people to judge
Posted at 03-23-17, 04:42 pm Link | #3

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Well I was talking about proffing wise i guess i should of mention that, but 5min pot at provo wall on thursday on high age only gets u like 25 prof that means 80 coins for 100 prof, repairing ego just becomes a hassle when theres no blessing for them and 6-10 pots is pretty expensive if your actively using your weap. I always saw tendering pots as a way to proff faster, didnt think people wanted them for -cp when they can just reset their skill.
Posted at 03-23-17, 06:42 pm Link | #4

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For me and proffing, it's fine as is, and ego repair isn't that bad unless you excessively use it heavily in combat and don't bother to prof. an extra spare alongside with it.
Plus, it goes back to depending on -CP just for your activity. You can always do something else to prof., and 5 minutes for 25 is pretty darn fast. Though that is a pretty easy way to go about proffing it.
Posted at 03-23-17, 10:54 pm Link | #5

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Tendering Pots have multiple uses, being proffing and skill training, so 20 coins for 5 minutes is an honest price. Sicne for prof 5 minutes is a lot of time, hell people still buy 5-minute pots on live.
Posted at 03-24-17, 01:43 pm Link | #6

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could do the 30 minute ones for 100 red coins. You'd get a slight discount vs buying that many outright, but if you only need a couple potions worth or don't wanna waste the full duration, you could buy the smaller ones for cheaper.
Posted at 03-24-17, 07:45 pm Link | #7

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could do the 30 minute ones for 100 red coins. You'd get a slight discount vs buying that many outright, but if you only need a couple potions worth or don't wanna waste the full duration, you could buy the smaller ones for cheaper.

This is actually a good idea. +1

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